Placebo Mystery

From time to time I rant on about how I believe that getting good advice from others is not always that great a idea. I usually wind up these rants by asking a question like this: “Do you need more advice or just more…  immunity?”

What I’m saying is that whatever your decision is to do (or not do) a certain thing it has got to come out from inside of you anyway. The advice-giving “experts” are not as right as they would have you think.

I remember, back a few years ago, I somehow developed an immune system malfunction. Hyperthyroidism or “Graves disease” can be a serious problem and, if not treated in a timely way, it could even be fatal.

My doctor sent me straightaway to an endocrinologist for treatment and his idea was to apply the standard approach: a dose of radio-active iodine. It’s supposed to kill off a certain portion of the thyroid so that it can’t keep pouring so much of its hormones into the blood. Once they have that under control they give you synthetic hormone tablets which you must take for the rest of your life.

Now this treatment works for many people and I’m told it has saved lives.  For me though it just didn’t feel right to actually have a radio-active tidbit inside my body. My dad, a doctor who had a busy practice for over 35 years, died of cancer not of old age. That’s not the plan I had in mind for myself.

A book titled “Blink” written by Malcolm Gladwell and published in 2007 is about a strange phenomenon that happens when someone get’s a “feeling” that something isn’t right and it turns out to be bang on.

In a way that’s sort of what happened with me except that the heightened and sustained belief that followed me for months and years after totally and absolutely had me convinced that I would be fine.

For treatment all I did during that time was to consume some high-grade supplements every day. The kind that you can’t buy in the health food store.

Now I don’t know if it was the placebo effect or what but as far as I’m concerned it doesn’t matter much. In the two years following my diagnosis the rapid weight loss abated, my energy and – factoring in for my age – a reasonable amount of my strength came back, and the best part I think is when my blood tests confirmed that everything had returned to normal all by itself.

Now I don’t suggest anyone should try this sort of thing and throw all caution to the wind.  I was regularly monitoring things closleyby going to see my doctor and have my monthly blood tests read so that I knew I was making some progress.

Belief, especially if it’s triggered by tactile hard evidence is a very powerful thing. It can be used for good (as in my case) or it can be used for evil (sadly, we live in the age of the suicide bomber).

If my body’s immune system issue was corrected by something that triggered the mystery of what is known as the placebo effect then I think that’s something that should be looked at closer.

In my work on Mindset Immunity theory it certainly deserves some air time.  I plan to do just that in my weekly webinars that I’m holding every Tuesday at 6PM Pacific.

You are welcome to join us for free. I’ll be putting up a special link here soon.

Until then…

More power to you.