Dark Energy and You


It was just a few days ago that I heard about it on the nightly news.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the universe is not expanding at a steady rate after all. It’s speeding up.

In a way that’s bad news. It’s bad news because eventually, some day far off in the future, when we look up into the night sky we will perhaps see our moon but that’s about it.

Like you needed more bad news eh?

Sorry about that.

The only reason I mention it is because of why these brainy guys and gals are reporting this phenomena. They’re calling it dark energy. It doesn’t mean that they’ve figured out what exactly it is of course.  Far from it. When they don’t know what something is they always call it “dark” – whatever.

They not only have a name like “dark energy” but one called “dark matter” too. What they do know is that, whatever it is, there is a heck of a lot of it out there and it’s the reason why the universe is expanding faster that they once thought.

To me that’s quite interesting because, as I have been talking notes about itfor my book the last two weeks or so. Like those scientists I think there is a lot of dark stuff right here on terra firma and it’s inside of every human who lives here.

The universe is obviously a hostile place. That dark energy will eventually tear the place apart (in a billion years or so). But if it’s hostile “out there” in the inverse it’s quite the opposite inside of us.

Take the good old gut feeling for example. In my theory of Mindset Immunity I describe this unknown energy that we can feel from time to time as “friendly”. If you’ve ever made a decision based on how something feels rather than how it looks then you’ve probably seen a benefit – if not immediately then at some time later.

My point is that this dark energy, which by the way, has enough weight to it to enervate our very sensitive nerve endings located in our gut brain also must be intelligent and somewhat caring about our personal welfare.

Now I can’t prove any of this stuff myself, since I’m not a scientist, but I can read books and reports about the human body. It is a fact that the individual neurons that make up our nervous systems don’t actually touch each other. There is a gap between them called the “synapse”. They actually sort of float in a very thin clear watery substance. These tiny long string-like cells, science says, then send chemical messages to each other through the synapse.

Since I found out about that I wondered: “What is in the empty dark spaces between the nerve cells?”  If there is that much of it then it must be an important constituent in our makeup. And what if the “dark energy” is lurking in all that seemingly empty space?

If I’m right then whatever you want to call it be it “dark” or not it could be worth investigating. That’s exactly what I plan to do in subsequent posts on this blog and in future webinars.

Why not join me in my new project on Facebook  and see how I’m doing it?

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Quotius #9 Circular Vs Reciprocal

Each week I intend to dispatch my pent-up creativity by creating a new version of something I call a “quotius”. (Learn about the genesis of it here.)

Circular Thinking: Works on fear – Makes you gutless
Reciprocal Thinking: Works on guts – Makes you fearless

This quotius is not actually a quote like most of the others I do here. That’s because it’s not a quote from somebody else. This time it’s my own idea which I made up in an attempt to vividly illustrate the striking differences between two distinct types of thinking: circular and reciprocal.

If you’ve seen more than one of my Quotius videos you may have noticed that I have little regard for the circular type of thinking pattern. I personally believe that thinking that has a pattern like this has been the sole cause of the stuckiness that many people experience in their own lives.

I don’t like it in myself and I don’t like it in others.

That’s why in each one of these little productions I end up destroying the circular band that represents circular thinking. This often happens in a rather extreme way. It’s intentionally violent and final. Like a deadly virus I don’t want it ever coming back.

Circular thinking causes you to make decisions that are hard to reach. They are long coming (if they get made at all) and they are usually the result of over-analyzing things. They are what I refer to as head-based decision making. All you do is go around and around and around burning up time and energy to finally reaching a flimsy compromised path.

If you tend toward this type of thinking it’s probably because it seems like the safe thing to do. But it’s not. It’s just time-wasting. Real opportunities aren’t often found in the safe area of life. They are found in the deep end of the pool and it takes some guts to swim out there to claim them for yourself.

Reciprocal thinking, on the other hand, is thinking that works in partnership with the two sets of independent brain systems found in all humans. The head brain and the gut brain.

You’re no doubt aware of the head brain and what it does.  But for some the knowing about the gut brain is still be a bit of a mystery. So let me give you a brief rundown of what I think was one of the top biological discoveries of the last fifty years.

The gut brain, known technically as the “enteric nervous system”, was a discovery that was first made public in North America in an article in the New York Times in 1996. The subject of the article was an announcement by cell biologist Dr. Michael Gershon. His area of interest had been the digestive system and that is how he literally tripped over the evidence of this (abdominal) brain.

He conducted tests and found some startling facts such as:
• The gut brain can, and does, act alone without instructions from topside
• The area of the gut brain is rich in “feel good” chemicals
• The gut brain is very sensitive to touch employing the same neurons found in the head

The brain in the gut was not entirely unknown however. A British doctor by the name of Langley had written about it about 100 years prior to Dr. Gershon’s work, but it had been overshadowed by the discovery of neuro-transmitters (chemicals said to help transmit nerve signals between each neuron).

Now that we know we have two distinct brains in the body why not use both of them in concert when considering critical choices? You can have the thought considerations from the head brain while being made more aware of invaluable signals about good or bad from the gut brain. Base your finial decision on that.

It is said that two brains are better than one. But what’s even better is when both reside in the same body and can agree on the same direction to go in.

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting



Music Credit:Creative Commons License The Annual New England Xylophone Symposium by DoKashiteru is licensed under a Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Gut Energy

Famous Quotivations # 12 – February 4 , 2011


psycho-cybernetics book
Max’s first book was a Best Seller





Today’s quotivation is from Dr. Maxwell Maltz MD, the author of Psycho-cybernetics one of the most popular books in self-improvement ever written.

“When this energy is at an optimum all our organs function better, we ‘feel good’, wounds heal faster, we are more resistant to disease, we recover from any sort of stress faster, we feel and act ‘younger’, and in fact biologically we are younger.”

It is true that energy plays a huge part in the lives of humans. It is also true that the duality principal applies here also.

Dr. Maltz was an astute observer and recognized that there was not one but two types of energies at play within us. He made references to one that he termed “caloric”, that is, it comes from the food we eat.  As a medical doctor he knew that one well since it was a “produced” energy, but the other was a much more an elusive and immeasurable one.

This energy was much more mysterious yet he was a great believer that it alone held the most promise for the overall wellness of us all. You can almost sense his effusiveness about it in this quote.

I don’t know if he knew it or not but this energy, the existence of which he could not actually prove but could only speculate on, was very different.  It’s not a produced energy – it’s a naturally occurring “emitted” energy. Sort of like how an atomic reaction emits energy.

Now, please don’t be weirded out here, but this one unseen energy interacts with us humans every day. Let me explain:

When you look out at that world something happens to what you see, it becomes a memory. To accomplish this the information must go through a type of transformation. The information about that physical experience must be converted to an ethereal state so it can be available as a memory to the mind which is itself in an ethereal energy-based state.

This is what happened to that newspaper article you read this morning, that music you heard on the radio in your car on the way to work, and it’s why you remember where you were when you first heard that Barack Obama had won the election as US president. But here’s where things start to get strange.

Let’s suppose that you had a flat tire when you came out to your car this morning. You realize that you have to now change that tire or you’re not going anywhere. So you haul out the spare and then struggle to jack up the car.

Now, with much huffing and puffing you get the tire on only to find that your headlights were on all that time and now your battery is drained. You go to get the jumper cables that are “supposed” to be hanging up in your garage but are not and … well, you get the picture.

You are just about at your wit’s end about ready to quit right there and give up but, for some reason, you don’t. Instead you decide to power through. You walk over to your neighbor’s house to ask for his assistance and if he would help you with a boost. He agrees and soon, after a quick clean up, you’re again on your way.

A story like this may not be all that unusual but when you recall it, like you would do inside a H.E.R.O. Tour session, you would realize that it was your persistence that kicked in and caused you to get the job done despite all the difficulty. After all you could have chosen to quit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The energy that is persistence is mysterious. It’s sometimes referred to as a “gut drive” that powers accomplishment. But no one has ever detailed how it works.

Not until now that is. Here’s what I think is going on.

That hidden drive that Dr. Maltz was so fascinated with is felt in the gut area of the body but do you know why?

It took a cell biologist studying the digestive system to stumble upon what I believe is the definitive answer. Turns out that now the “good old gut feeling” has a sound scientific base to it.

Fantastic as it sounds woven into the sheaths of tissue that line the digestive track from your throat to your colon is another brain! This brain, called the “enteric nervous system” by Dr. Michael Gershon who announced his  finding to a New York Times reporter in 1996, is rich in natural ‘feel good’ chemicals and is made up of neurons identical to those found in the head brain.

But here’s the connection to that strange invisible energy I talked about in the beginning.

The next time you have a gut feeling about something remember this: You feel it in the area, just below the rib cage, because your gut-brain is incredibly sensitive. (It’s designed to feel but not to think.)  What you are feeling is an energy this actually has enough weight to it that it can brush up against the neurons there and cause that feeling – but, that’s not all. If you’ve had a gut feeling and it’s turned out to be right it’s because this mysterious energy has an intelligence attached to it and, lucky for you, it has your best interests at heart.

So, next time you think it would be a good career move to seek out a mentor and following their advice without question it might be a good idea to do a quick gut check first.

You would make Max proud.

It’s Friday, consider your self “quotivated”.

I’m David Parsons and you’ll find me blogging away at Mobiusman.com

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting







I’m Guilty As Hell

H.E.R.O. is like a shovel - you can dig with it

I Made H.E.R.O.

See, I’m guilty because I made the H.E.R.O. eMachine years ago and so far I have not yet launched it in any major market. Pitiful isn’t it?  I just tested it a bit here and there and even had some pretty good results too.

So why am I so slow to get it going? (Hold it. That’s what my wife would ask. You haven’t been talking to her have you?)

Let me start by telling you what H.E.R.O. actually is and then we can get on with my guilty plea.

H.E.R.O. is an acronym (hope you don’t mind acronyms I use them a lot so I’m guilty there too) for:

  • Honest
  • Examination of
  • Real
  • Occurrences

Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense just yet, it will soon.

H.E.R.O. is a little… “unusual” I guess you could say. See it’s not at all like any other thing you may have seen in personal development. It’s not a bunch of information that you must read and study over and over again.  It’s not like meditation or yoga either.

In fact H.E.R.O. is downright weird actually. It’s more like a tool or even an appliance like a toaster than a personal development program.

I think I probably describe it best by comparing it to Google… but in reverse. With Google you put in a search term in and it spits out a result. With H.E.R.O. it gives you the proper search phrase, called a key, then you have to look at a past activity that relates to the key. This must be one of those times when you overcame an obstacle where your persistence or determination got a real workout.

Then you’ve got to type that result in and hit “enter”. Then keep doing more just like that with every key phrase it gives you.

It takes a while but by the end of it something incredible happens. You start feeling really really good about yourself but… for no apparent reason.

But we’re not done yet.

Next you’re asked to perform a kind of viewing exercise from inside of your own nervous system. (See, told you it was weird.)

It’s called the “fovea exercise”. If you’ve done it right so far you should be feeling something buzzing around in your gut area just below your rib cage. Now look at that area, known widely as the solar plexus, and type in your “impression” of what you are perceiving as being active there at that location.

Good. Now you’re just about done. Next you have to describe it an at least three of five categories.

What you have seen inside of you is the strangest (yet the most natural) thing you will ever experience. What you are “seeing” is the root core energy drive behind every act of persistence and determination you have ever performed. Or ever will perform in the future for that matter. (I describe it as an immune system for the mindset. In fact I write about mindset immunity a lot. It’s the only theory that makes sense. We have one for the body. why not one for the thinking?)

From then on you will forever be able to look and see that core energy whenever you want or need to. You never need to do H.E.R.O. over again ever. In fact you can’t.  You will be flagged if you try because we never allow repeat attempts once there has been a break longer than fifteen minutes during the process. It doesn’t seem to work as well and just wastes everyone’s time.

So, let me ask you.

If you had a tool like this how would you introduce it to the world? Especially a world that for almost 100 years has gotten used to personal development programs that are based on someone else’s story instead of your own?

Oooh!  Guilt feels so much better when it’s spread around.

More power to you.

David's signature

PS: Want to join us as we move to change the whole industry of personal development as we know it? Then leave me a comment below telling me how you would get this out to the world and I’ll arrange to give you an almost free H.E.R.O. test drive so you can see for yourself how H.E.R.O. works.

Writing about mindset immunity

Writing about mindset immunity is tough workTo do my job I have to write frequently about my theory of mindset immunity.

But I have the same problem that I know a lot of other bloggers do.  It’s all about with coming up with ideas to write blog posts about.  I tend to edit myself too much. That inhibits my ability to just start. It can be debilitating. Then, just the other day, I came across the brilliant blogger Elizabeth Potts Weinstein.  She wrote a post about that very problem.

“Just write” she advised. “Don’t think.”

Now I’ve heard that before from other writing instructors but I escaped the message’s integrity to turn the advice into action. Until Elizabeth PW came up with her post. She said it so eloquently. So powerfully that, to me at lest, it just resonated in my bones.

Read more