Getting down on the up-stuff fluff.

Man standing on directional arrows pointing in three different ways
Has self-help lost it’s way?

It’s starting to show up.

The problem with people trying to help you with your mindset issues (other than giving the vaguest advice possible), is they fill your head with “one-liners”… things like…

“Repetition is the mother of skill!” — Tony Robbins

“Fall down 7 times, get up 8 times!” — Ancient Chinese proverb

“80% of life is just showing up!” — Woody Allen
And those things are helpful once or twice, but I know way too many people who have all the sayings
memorized, but they don’t follow them…

– Quote from a major internet marketer’s recent email.

I’ve waited a long time hoping to see it burst to the surface but now maybe it’s beginning to. Is traditional self-help loosing some of it’s footing?

For as long as I can recall, over the last three decades, no more than a handful have confided their true doubts in the lasting benefits offered by the self-helpers. I’ve been looking for people for years who might be open to admitting that, for the most part, they’re fed up with those who market personal development that costs a bundle but goes nowhere. Maybe now, because the stresses are so high, some brave and even well-known marketers (like the one I quoted above) are starting to call a spade a spade.

Napoleon Hill, for example, in all of his writings, talks about the importance of persistence and determination as being critical for success. But he never nailed it. Never actually told anyone what or where or how to locate these critical energy drives that are known to cause success in almost anything.

I’ve departed from the motivational conversations long ago. I don’t even see it as “motivational” any more since that is such a head-based thing. But these are not “head-based” energies. Persistence and determination are “gut-based” energies. I see it as much more advantageous to be more “immune-full” rather than “mindful”.

That’s because I’ve discovered something that I call “mindset immunity” and I believe it’s more descriptive of what we need now than what more advice and lame feel-good sayings might deliver. It’s a system of healing from failure the degree of which mirrors what the physical immune system does for the body. Timely and automatically.

It’s not naturally quick though. Fact is, in most people, mindset immunity it’s so slow and subtle you’d think it’s not even there at all. That’s why so few get to be hugely successful, at least financially, then the other 98% of us. Yet most do recover from defeat and a host of other emotionally-charged life events all by themselves without any outside help.

The time-worn methods of self help, personal development, positive thinking, (whatever you want to call it) is finally beginning to hit the glass wall. Not everyone can be fooled all of the time now and they’re beginning to put a voice to that thorn in their side.

I knew it would happen but didn’t think it would be so long coming. Of course I see that we have some super-critical types out there. Nego-commentators in this field are a rarity and I sometimes see them as good for entertainment value but not much else. They typically provide arguments that wildly spear the credibility of the famous  – and some not-so-famous  – self-help leaders but fail to provide workable alternatives to what’s being offered. I find them interesting but overly-radical although they do have a point when it comes to telling it like it is concerning all the hype coming of the numerous self-help promotional machines.

I recognize that people everywhere are in trouble. They are looking for something real. I myself have in conversations not been kind to the self-helpers – that’s true. I’ll admit to that. But at least I do usually finish up by explaining what it is exactly that’s wrong with their approach (hint: what they’re offering is almost always a “cocktail” mix of already old worn-out head-brain methods that they spin together so they can then call it their own… but don’t get me started on that now okay?)

I always try to turn it around and offer something to replace the broken methodologies that they’re desperately trying to work into their hapless lives. I tell them that the biggest problem is that they’re placing the cart-before-the-horse. The energy of natural motivation comes from something bursting out from the gut area that then causes a success to happen. Not getting all hyped-up on someone’s story of achievement and then tying to duplicate that same success for yourself.

Sorry. It’s not attractive but it’s true. You need to fail and sometimes often before you’ll ever see success. And the timeline can be long. That’s just the way it is.

I was not one of those early achievers myself and good thing I wasn’t. Without as much failure as I’ve had over the years I don’t think I would have discovered anything as significant a game-changer as an immune system that takes care of failure effects if I’d been in the class with the high-rollers. I needed something myself so I was forced to examine the unexplainable. It was critical in order to continue down a difficult, seemingly endless road. It’s a road that I’d not recommend to anyone without a tolerance for frustration or a lac of endurance to be sure.

That’s why I ended up building something that’s natural, organic, and is a part of what people are already truly made of. Persistence and determination are very personal. I have mine and you have yours.

All my new innovation does is help you to root out the core source of it so that it’s more manifest, more visceral, and even more visible. It re-defines us by making us aware of a strength we didn’t think we had. Thus re-making our own self-belief more real, more believable, and absolutely non-negotiable.

It re-aligns the shape of the new self-belief you could soon have in yourself. I’m just hoping that more and more strangely self-confident people with immune-powered mindsets soon break to the surface.

We need more like that to help us move on.

More power to you my friend.
David's signature in what looks-like handwriting. Sort of.


PS: I’m still looking for more people who may be starting to feel that their personal development journey is not as good as advertised. If you’re one of those I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment in the box below or connect with me on Skype: “DavidtheMobiusman”. Make sure you mention this post or I won’t recognize you.

Shooting the Head Negs

Does replacing negative thoughts work? Check out my new web shows and find out.
Does shooting the negative thoughts then replacing them with positive ones work as well as we’re told?

Lot’s of important stuff happens in our brain that screams for attention. But what tops them all is pain and misery. Could another brain help fix negativity?

For years I’ve been watching how those who claim to assist and train others in being better and to become more successful and I’ve noticed something. There’s one main thing that they all love to suggest to everyone: They always advise us to shoot the negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones.

While I can’t disagree with the main core of that approach entirely I do have trouble with the methodology.

It is true that negative thoughts might cause us to under-perform so I’m not against doing something to eradicate them. But the coaches, motivational speakers, and psychologists all sing in the choir of the method known as “thought replacement”.

It works like this: You identify your negative thoughts and then replace those thoughts with positive ones. Now, on the surface that sounds pretty simple. Something anyone can do. But wait, there is a problem and here’s what it is: It’s a ton of impossible work.

Research has shown that the average human processes thousands of thoughts per day. That’s a lot of thoughts. Not only that but the experts estimate that of those thoughts about 70 percent of them, on average, are considered negative.


So let’s see then. Let’s say have about 50,000 thoughts per day and 70 percent of them are negative then that’s a boatload of effort to replace all that. Not to mention the fact that as you are busy replacing those thoughts new thoughts are constantly being formed and 70 percent of those are quite possibly going to be negative as well.

If looking at it this way begins to give you negative thoughts about this article then I can’t blame you one bit. But read on, because I’ve got a workaround for this dilemma.

Seeing as the task of trading in all those negative thoughts for positive ones is virtually a never-ending one, at least the way that the great personal development gurus are teaching it, I think it’s time for something completely different.

To give this a new shocking perspective I’m going to have to introduce something that many of you have not heard of before.

First though I have to make one key observation. All of the advice that pertains to thought replacement is what I call bead-based. What I mean by that is that the focus is on the brain that’s in the head.

Of course, I do understand why they place such a lot of interest there. Thoughts, either positive or negative ones, appear to be made in the head so it makes sense to make this brain the prime site of repair. It’s well understood that the good old head brain is what people are thinking of when they talk about brains in general anyway. But what if it you were shown that your head brain has a partner brain you’ve not been made aware of yet?

Sounds like a weird thing to say, I know, but the fact of the matter is… it’s true, you have a second brain in your body.

In 1996 a cell biologist  Dr Michael Gershon announced to the world through an article in the New York Times that he had found evidence that there is a crude brain in the gut of every human and it can, and does, act on its own.

For you this should be big news. It sure was to me since I had been using a new system of my own design to boost a person’s potential and to buffer the effects of negative thinking automatically since the 1990’s. Until I learned of this breakthrough discovery I didn’t know myself exactly why I was getting the results I was seeing. This system, what I playfully call ‘Brain Balming‘, I now realize depends on the release of the hidden steady energy available in the gut brain that soothes the upper-brain creating an elegant dual relationship between the two.  (In fact, I’m working on a new book about this right now so stay tuned.)

There’s just one more thing you need to know. This strange gut energy that’s sending it’s steadying power northward to the head brain is not a physical thing it’s ethereal. But even so it’s powerful enough to render results that last and it’s all natural.

So why waste time trying to do the impossible (and the un-natural)? Just learn to use your gut brain as a buffer to your head brain’s suffering.

More power to you

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Dark Energy and You


It was just a few days ago that I heard about it on the nightly news.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the universe is not expanding at a steady rate after all. It’s speeding up.

In a way that’s bad news. It’s bad news because eventually, some day far off in the future, when we look up into the night sky we will perhaps see our moon but that’s about it.

Like you needed more bad news eh?

Sorry about that.

The only reason I mention it is because of why these brainy guys and gals are reporting this phenomena. They’re calling it dark energy. It doesn’t mean that they’ve figured out what exactly it is of course.  Far from it. When they don’t know what something is they always call it “dark” – whatever.

They not only have a name like “dark energy” but one called “dark matter” too. What they do know is that, whatever it is, there is a heck of a lot of it out there and it’s the reason why the universe is expanding faster that they once thought.

To me that’s quite interesting because, as I have been talking notes about itfor my book the last two weeks or so. Like those scientists I think there is a lot of dark stuff right here on terra firma and it’s inside of every human who lives here.

The universe is obviously a hostile place. That dark energy will eventually tear the place apart (in a billion years or so). But if it’s hostile “out there” in the inverse it’s quite the opposite inside of us.

Take the good old gut feeling for example. In my theory of Mindset Immunity I describe this unknown energy that we can feel from time to time as “friendly”. If you’ve ever made a decision based on how something feels rather than how it looks then you’ve probably seen a benefit – if not immediately then at some time later.

My point is that this dark energy, which by the way, has enough weight to it to enervate our very sensitive nerve endings located in our gut brain also must be intelligent and somewhat caring about our personal welfare.

Now I can’t prove any of this stuff myself, since I’m not a scientist, but I can read books and reports about the human body. It is a fact that the individual neurons that make up our nervous systems don’t actually touch each other. There is a gap between them called the “synapse”. They actually sort of float in a very thin clear watery substance. These tiny long string-like cells, science says, then send chemical messages to each other through the synapse.

Since I found out about that I wondered: “What is in the empty dark spaces between the nerve cells?”  If there is that much of it then it must be an important constituent in our makeup. And what if the “dark energy” is lurking in all that seemingly empty space?

If I’m right then whatever you want to call it be it “dark” or not it could be worth investigating. That’s exactly what I plan to do in subsequent posts on this blog and in future webinars.

Why not join me in my new project on Facebook  and see how I’m doing it?

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

ROI Shift

ROI sign

Seth Godin’s post on his blog this morning talks about how Kraft Singles has “the normal … the regular kind” market in it’s particular field sewed up.

“That slot is taken” he says.

Anyone trying to break into that market is going to fail unless it can make what it offers so compelling that it moves the entire market center toward itself and away from the previous “normal”.

In looking at this it made me see that he is probably right even in a market that includes personal development (PD) products that are aimed at developing the positive aspects of thinking. In fact I’ve long felt that this industry (PD) is ready for a big shakeup. The “normal” kind of stuff that’s being offered has become so ubiquitous that its effects are now wearing thin.

It’s become too normal to work against the kinds of problems facing so many of us these days.

With my launch of the Mobius Effect the focus will be away from head-based “therapies”.  It’s going to be a shift.  I’m not going to be offering the usual staple that this industry is so known for: forced acquiring of repetitive old-hat information and head-brain stuffing.

Instead, we’re going to move the center of gravity towards the most natural thing in the world – something I call Mindset Immunity. The delivery of a fractal of a pattern of potential in you that is so large it wouldn’t otherwise fit into your head-brain alone. Need to draw in the gut brain too.

The effect will be an instantaneous recurring and generous ROI – Return On Immunity. This will give those in the market for personal betterment a clear choice for the first time in a long time. ROI: Return On Information-stuffing or ROI: Return On Immunity.

One jams you up the other offers freeness.

More Power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Gut Energy

Famous Quotivations # 12 – February 4 , 2011


psycho-cybernetics book
Max’s first book was a Best Seller





Today’s quotivation is from Dr. Maxwell Maltz MD, the author of Psycho-cybernetics one of the most popular books in self-improvement ever written.

“When this energy is at an optimum all our organs function better, we ‘feel good’, wounds heal faster, we are more resistant to disease, we recover from any sort of stress faster, we feel and act ‘younger’, and in fact biologically we are younger.”

It is true that energy plays a huge part in the lives of humans. It is also true that the duality principal applies here also.

Dr. Maltz was an astute observer and recognized that there was not one but two types of energies at play within us. He made references to one that he termed “caloric”, that is, it comes from the food we eat.  As a medical doctor he knew that one well since it was a “produced” energy, but the other was a much more an elusive and immeasurable one.

This energy was much more mysterious yet he was a great believer that it alone held the most promise for the overall wellness of us all. You can almost sense his effusiveness about it in this quote.

I don’t know if he knew it or not but this energy, the existence of which he could not actually prove but could only speculate on, was very different.  It’s not a produced energy – it’s a naturally occurring “emitted” energy. Sort of like how an atomic reaction emits energy.

Now, please don’t be weirded out here, but this one unseen energy interacts with us humans every day. Let me explain:

When you look out at that world something happens to what you see, it becomes a memory. To accomplish this the information must go through a type of transformation. The information about that physical experience must be converted to an ethereal state so it can be available as a memory to the mind which is itself in an ethereal energy-based state.

This is what happened to that newspaper article you read this morning, that music you heard on the radio in your car on the way to work, and it’s why you remember where you were when you first heard that Barack Obama had won the election as US president. But here’s where things start to get strange.

Let’s suppose that you had a flat tire when you came out to your car this morning. You realize that you have to now change that tire or you’re not going anywhere. So you haul out the spare and then struggle to jack up the car.

Now, with much huffing and puffing you get the tire on only to find that your headlights were on all that time and now your battery is drained. You go to get the jumper cables that are “supposed” to be hanging up in your garage but are not and … well, you get the picture.

You are just about at your wit’s end about ready to quit right there and give up but, for some reason, you don’t. Instead you decide to power through. You walk over to your neighbor’s house to ask for his assistance and if he would help you with a boost. He agrees and soon, after a quick clean up, you’re again on your way.

A story like this may not be all that unusual but when you recall it, like you would do inside a H.E.R.O. Tour session, you would realize that it was your persistence that kicked in and caused you to get the job done despite all the difficulty. After all you could have chosen to quit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The energy that is persistence is mysterious. It’s sometimes referred to as a “gut drive” that powers accomplishment. But no one has ever detailed how it works.

Not until now that is. Here’s what I think is going on.

That hidden drive that Dr. Maltz was so fascinated with is felt in the gut area of the body but do you know why?

It took a cell biologist studying the digestive system to stumble upon what I believe is the definitive answer. Turns out that now the “good old gut feeling” has a sound scientific base to it.

Fantastic as it sounds woven into the sheaths of tissue that line the digestive track from your throat to your colon is another brain! This brain, called the “enteric nervous system” by Dr. Michael Gershon who announced his  finding to a New York Times reporter in 1996, is rich in natural ‘feel good’ chemicals and is made up of neurons identical to those found in the head brain.

But here’s the connection to that strange invisible energy I talked about in the beginning.

The next time you have a gut feeling about something remember this: You feel it in the area, just below the rib cage, because your gut-brain is incredibly sensitive. (It’s designed to feel but not to think.)  What you are feeling is an energy this actually has enough weight to it that it can brush up against the neurons there and cause that feeling – but, that’s not all. If you’ve had a gut feeling and it’s turned out to be right it’s because this mysterious energy has an intelligence attached to it and, lucky for you, it has your best interests at heart.

So, next time you think it would be a good career move to seek out a mentor and following their advice without question it might be a good idea to do a quick gut check first.

You would make Max proud.

It’s Friday, consider your self “quotivated”.

I’m David Parsons and you’ll find me blogging away at

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting