Writing about mindset immunity

Writing about mindset immunity is tough workTo do my job I have to write frequently about my theory of mindset immunity.

But I have the same problem that I know a lot of other bloggers do.  It’s all about with coming up with ideas to write blog posts about.  I tend to edit myself too much. That inhibits my ability to just start. It can be debilitating. Then, just the other day, I came across the brilliant blogger Elizabeth Potts Weinstein.  She wrote a post about that very problem.

“Just write” she advised. “Don’t think.”

Now I’ve heard that before from other writing instructors but I escaped the message’s integrity to turn the advice into action. Until Elizabeth PW came up with her post. She said it so eloquently. So powerfully that, to me at lest, it just resonated in my bones.

So as of today I’m going to re-fire my resolve to become an accomplished writer (well ok maybe a dedicated blogger at least). I need to do it for me and for you too. If I don’t how will my gifts to the world be known?

In my work with the theory of mindset immunity it requires me to describe certain aspects of what was a mystery. A deep unknown. However because I was fortunate enough to break through the egg shell of this mystery along time ago I have always thought I would be able to at least open up the discussion about what it was that I’ve found.

But I was not a writer. I was not a psychologist.  I was not a lot of things. In fact I hated writing in high school. Couldn’t believe how anyone could sit down and write a whole book. I always thought that those who pursue a career as writers must be very special ( or weird) to withstand that kind of punishment. I’ve even heard that before one can describe themselves as a true writer they must write at least 10 books first.

Holy crap!

Now I sort of hope that’s not true but I decided to hedge my bets. From now on come hell or high water I’m going to take Elizabeth PW’s sage advice and write something every day.

I don’t know what will happen.

Maybe there will be some days when I produce pure crap but I now know that it’s just part of the process. I have a small laptop by my bedside and so I’m going to use that to do this work every day before I even get out of bed.

That’s a promise that I make to you and to myself.

Ok, now that I’ve set the law in the stone of my soul I will start today’s post with a little item I heard on the CBC morning radio show called the “Early Edition”. Once per week they have this medical doctor speak on some facet of his profession.

Today his story was about a few very small studies that have been carried out on the use of some drugs that first appeared on the scene in the 1960’s. I was a teen then, and while I wasn’t much into recreational drugs I was aware of them. Anyway the story today was that some psychologists were doing these studies by using small amounts of the drug that back in the day were known as magic mushrooms. They had some active chemical that produced hallucinations and, although I don’t know why anyone would want to get that pie-eyed,  some people back in the 60’s must have thought that hallucinating out of control was some kind of fun.

Anyway today we know more now about how the brain works. Turns out that brain cells talk to each other through chemicals called neurotransmitters. This class of chemicals can apparently be measured. One such chemical is serotonin and they found that depressed people have a low rate of serotonin activity.

It’s an oversimplification but they say that too much serotonin causes hallucinations and too little causes depression.

This is interesting to me because for a long time I’ve had people who have used my H.E.R.O. seminar say that they are no longer depressed. In fact after using the H.E.R.O. eMachine just once it really looked like depression was the first thing to disappear. Now I‘m not a psychologist nor am I even close to being one so I don’t advertise this result too loudly.

But now I’m wondering.

What if levels of serotonin were measured in H.E.R.O. participants who say they experienced depression.  What if, after they used H.E.R.O. these levels increased in a way that was natural and followed the natural balancing act that we see in the body’s mechanism that causes equilibrium. The state known as homeostasis?  What would that mean?

In depression it looks like the low activity of serotonin is like a form of death and indeed it probably feels like death to those who suffer from it. But what if I’ve stumbled upon a natural agent that safely speeds up serotonin activity (or slows it down if it’s overactive) without the side effects of  a drug that may be very addictive?

By the way that addictive thing was why the government banned these drugs back in the 60’s and put a halt on any further research into their effects in mental health. Especially since its usage spilled out into recreational street usage.

As I say, I’m not a doctor but what if a study carried out in a proper clinical setting found what I suspect to be real medical benefits from using a tool that is drugless and natural?

Are you a daring doctor operating in this field who would like to look into this? Will anyone come forward to fund research like this?  I have my doubts of course.  The idea that a simple workshop like H.E.R.O. could be used just once and get an effect like that is a real threat to those who promote and profit from the sale of manufactured drugs. It is after all big business.

Oddly, but realistically, illness is a huge business so I won’t hold my breath waiting for any action on this.  I really only wanted to write a blog post today after all not save the world.

More Power to you.