Interview Me

David Parsons with his new book - The Gut Brain Balm

  The Gut Brain Balm Book – Interview Talking Points To Ponder

These are a few of the points from my book that could be discussed during any interviews.

  1. Humans have a dual brain system. One large brain in the head and a smaller one in the gut called the enteric nervous system. This was brought to light in 1996 by Dr. Michael Gershon author of the book “The Second Brain”.
  2. Head brain thinks things (often too many things) but cannot feel anything. There are no pain receptors in the cortex at all.
  3. The gut brain is not designed to think anything but to feel everything, from our greatest joys to our deepest sorrows.
  4. In my opinion, having a dual brain system, with one that thinks things and a separate one that feels things is not only logical and necessary but wonderfully elegant.
  5. The discourse in modern literature going back over the last 100 years concerning the key to success in anything is that being persistent is declared paramount. The problem is that no one knows what persistence actually is. This book will detail the answers we need to better understand this mystery
  6. Over forty years ago, I stumbled on a simple method that allows anyone to reverse engineer their own success history. It became known as the HERO Tour. It’s an experience that leads one to reveal the location in the body of the energy pile that backed all hard-fought successful outcomes. For many, this results in one’s self-belief being permanently established. This method is so powerful that it needs to be done only once. A fact that upends the multi-billion dollar industry of self-help built almost entirely on repeat buyers.

For more information, download the document 15 Q&A About The HERO Tour