For those of you who have read my posts you probably know that I’m all about expanding the awareness of something I call “mindset immunity”. It may sound like a radical idea. Too strange even. Like the words don’t belong together. For me though, the term describes an essential process that explains a lot of things about what happens when humans create and use thoughts and that’s why I invented it.
Thoughts are things.
Thoughts, like most ‘things’, can have different qualities. Good thoughts, bad thoughts, and everything in between could be rated on a scale like quality control at a widget factory. But there’s a serious conflict of interest. The inspector in charge of the rating process lives in our own head and is, in fact, the owner of the factory as well. He/she regularly gets drunk on the feelings that are produced by any given pattern of thoughts. So drunk that it makes it next to impossible to make clear objective decisions. Hard to throw out the crappy thoughts and keep the good ones when your vision is blurry.
The danger here is the motivation more that the thoughts themselves.
I hear all the time about how we can use our imagination to “dream up” the perfect life for ourselves. When imagination motivates the alarm bells should be going off. Imagination is a wonderful thing but the motivation should be coming from the gut and, if the thinking feels right then it probably is worthy of support.
The takeaway here is this: Think whatever you want to think but watch out for the motivation that comes off of all that thinking. It can transform into action.
Action that can often be knee-jerky.
More power to you all.