Famous Quotivations # 15 – February 25 , 2011 [display_podcast]
There is no doubt that the man who popularized the geodesic dome about the same time as I was being busy being born, had genius pouring out of him every day.
Obviously he wouldn’t agree with this assertion. He just wanted to do all that good stuff so he could make this statement in complete and utter confidence that one day you and I would get this size 12 take away: Experience, both good, bad, and ugly can become something of value.
Our experiences may not directly define us but that’s ok. Their true value is that they provide us the raw material we can then use in the fabricating department we call our life where we forge what becomes our legacy to the greater world.
This is the way experience can work for us and benefit others long after we are here no more.
It sure worked like that for Bucky.
Could it work for you?
It’s Friday. Consider yourself “Quotivated“.
PS: If you have a question about how you can use your past experience to uncover the workings of the New immunity that open more creativity and genius in your life then leave me a comment and I’ll answer you back. Cool eh?