On my Roboform web file manager I have a folder labeled “Happiness” and it’s filling up fast lately.
Just in the last few days I’ve added three more entries. One was for Dr. Robert Holden’s “Happiness Project” one for Lord Richard Layard’s movement for social change “Action for Happiness” and the other was for a guy named Ludwig.
Did you know that almost 20 years ago scientists discovered that there’s a second brain in the human body? Turns out that in our body’s mid-section there’s lots of nerve cells similar to those found in the head brain. What possibilities could this other brain mean for human ability?
Researcher, David Parsons, has been studying this little-known second brain for nearly 20 years and now teaches what he calls “Brain Balming“ a new technique utilizing this newly-discovered gut brain to help our other brain think smarter.
In this interview David will share:
• What is the second brain?
• Why do so few of us know that this brain even exists
• The one thing that this new brain can’t do that is its greatest asset
• “Brain-balming” – What is it and how does it work?
• What’s the most important feature of this new brain that neurologists can’t study?
• The answer to a problem about thinking that troubled Albert Einstein
• The strange connection between the gut brain and the ancient story of David & Goliath
This interview with David will be fast-paced and exciting for any listener who wants to learn more about how they can get better results out of living life without over-worry and stress by using what they already have right now where they are.
David Parsons is a self-described ‘Brain-Balmer’ and the writer of the upcoming book “The Gut Brain Balm”. David is also a blogger and explains his vision as doing with human potential what Einstein did for physics. Reach David for your next interview via phone: (604) 703-5579, via email: davidp@mobiusman.com or on Skype: “davidthemobiusman”, or learn more at https://mobiusman.com.