Research shows (and I have no idea how they count this stuff) that the average person thinks about 12,000 thoughts per day. If you’re a really deep thinker it could be as much as 50,000 per day.
And how many of those many thoughts would you say are productive?
That’s what I thought.
All that thinking “produces” all right but what is produced is not always useful to our purposes is it? In fact researchers say up to 80% of our thoughts are downright negative.
So negative it’s keeping a lot of us up at night. What would that do your mindset?
Here’s a solution to getting around all that.
Have you ever noticed that when you “don’t think” about something, like playing a musical instrument or even writing a quick first draft of a blog post for example, you do better?
More dramatically, when a person who is seen as a “hero” because they spontaneously risked their own life to save another they consistently report: “I didn’t think about it. I just did it.”
When it comes to not thinking this could be one of those times when not doing something is actually way more beneficial for you and for the world. By extension, by actually doing nothing you become the change that you’d like to see in the world.
Because if you’re not thinking about what ever it is you lac (and feeling crappy about it) you’ll automatically take on an air of abundance that others will find quite refreshing – especially these days.
We’ve all heard the old saying “it’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters”. Indeed, reactionary thinking is often the culprit here. The universal phenomenon of taking action without thinking could be a real key to dramatic results IF it could somehow be brought to bear at the exact time (and every time) when it was needed.
That was the sort of stuff that I was looking at when, several years ago, I came up with the H.E.R.O. eMachine.
Over the past 12 months I’ve been working seven days-a-week to put together a cogent way of explaining how a stupidly simple little on-line “clinic” that, in a little as 24 hours, could form a powerful link between your intellect and a natural phenomenon that’s been living inside of you since birth.
It was a ton of work because H.E.R.O. uses your thinking (memory) to lock on to something that is in you but is outside of your physicalness (although you can feel it physically). This may sound weird but this is emerging as being closer to a new type of “immunity” than just another new thinking method.
Try and explain that one!
In any case it seems to stop all that constant mind-chatter cold in its tracks. That leaves you with thoughts that are really objective. For many it could be the first time that’s been available for a long long time.
I’m just now putting the finishing touches on a new video that will blow you away. But I’m not stopping there.
Because this is still the H.E.R.O. beta I’m going to be giving away up to 25 complete H.E.R.O. Discover eMachine personalized one-on-one sessions for the low low price of… FREE! (One session per customer is all that’s needed.)
Yes indeedy I’m not kidding.
You’ll get me personally guiding you through the process right on your own computer wherever that might be in North America.
Just the two of us for the day. Only an internet connection away.
If you can’t wait till the video is ready just comment below and I’ll get back to you to arrange your free session ASAP.
First come – first served. This offer will be gone when I reach 25 registrations.
Like Nike says: (Don’t think too much) “Just do it!”
You’ll feel better too.
..More power to you all.