A Mindset Paradox

According to Dictionary.com a paradox is:

“a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.”

One day over 50 years ago a group of physicists were talking over lunch at the Los Alamos National Laboratory located out in the New Mexico desert.  The conversation got around to the strong possibility that extra-terrestrial civilizations exist in the universe.


One of the scientists Enrico Fermi wondered aloud: if indeed the conditions were favorable for the existence of extra-terrestrials why have they not been identified or, at the very least, their radio transmissions detected?

This one penetrating question sparked a debate that is still going on today, in and outside of scientific circles.

It’s a great question but it’s not got a lot to do with the subject of mindset has it?

Not so fast.

Personally, I’m not about to wade into the debate over whether or not extra-terrestrials exist;  but nonetheless there is a connection here to what I call the Mindset Paradox.

Check this out.

We’ve all heard that an average human being is the host to an abundance of intelligence. Trouble is that about 95% of it seems to be nearly impossible to access most of the time. That means that as humans we’ve managed to come up with the electric motor, theory of relativity, the transistor, and the Barbie Doll – and all of it with only 5% of available intelligence.

Now here’s my paradoxical question:

If all this potential intelligence is said to be residing in humans already where is it all hiding?

Now for a while there I thought I knew. DNA – the wonder molecule – had to have it since it knows how to put a human being together exactly the right way with all its billions of individual parts. That’s a tremendous amount of info. In fact it has been estimated that if all the information that DNA contained were ever put into book form it would amount to whole truckload of encyclopedias.

Scientists, for obvious reasons, wanted to get to the bottom of it all too. Eventually they set out to investigate.  They planned to deconstruct the tightly wound strands that made up the marvelous molecule and break it right down to its base elements then analyze each one.

And what did they find?

Not much it turns out.

The basic constituent parts of this brainy molecule are nothing special. Quite common in fact. Curiously, the inquisitive researchers found more empty space than matter deep within DNA and embarrassingly had to admit that it appeared that life itself seemed to spring from… nothing.

According to author Dr. Deepack Chopra it was like tearing a radio’s wiring apart to find out where the music is coming from.

But I have another theory.

I imagined that those researchers that deconstructed the DNA molecule must have had to develop a very specialized tool that would allow such delicate dissection. I wanted to find the missing intelligence too so I could access it for myself because I figured it would lead to more success in my life and perhaps a few others along the way too.

Eventually I hit upon the idea that it had to be expressed in the behavior of a success event. (Just to be clear a “success event” occurs when we overcome all barriers and push through to completion of a task –  even a simple one qualifies.)

Like those scientists I too needed a special tool. But the one I needed would have to help me perform the detailed deconstruction of one each of each of my past personal success events and lay out its inner secrets for me to absorb. (Although I had actually stumbled on and used such a tool years before but didn’t know what I had. I went on to develop it further and now I call the H.E.R.O. eMachine.)

When you deconstruct something as airy as a human experience you don’t get molecules, or proteins, or subatomic particles. You get nothing any eye can see no matter how powerful the microscope. You get raw energy in the form of vibrations that only the most sensitive part of you can detect:

Your enteric nervous system, better known as your gut brain.

This organ of sensitivity is what governs all really great decisions and insights. It’s what makes us just know that what the thinking brain in the head is looking at is truth, or not.

Strange as it might sound I believe that the head brain is the thinking-but-not-the-feeling brain and the gut brain is the feeling-but-not-the thinking brain. The fact that these two distinctly separate brain centers co-exist in one body is perhaps the greatest of all paradoxes.

What do you believe? Leave a comment in the comment box below. I’d love to know what you think of this.