Famous Quotivations # 14 – February 18 , 2011 [display_podcast]
The most important thing you can have is an unbridled belief in yourself. This one thing will fuel your personal vision of the future like nothing else can. It will be a vision that is so real that it is not a question of weather or not it is going to come to fruition but only when.
But, given this truth, there is one fly in the ointment. Belief, any belief, is established in one of two ways: through argument or through hard evidence. If you go out and attempt to build self-belief by investing in the argument method only it might not be sticky enough to pull you up the life’s incline.
Better you should seek an authentic burning eternally-fired energy-backed belief based on the hard evidence that you’ve been successful before.
The key can be found in your success history. Locate that and you at least stand a fair chance no matter what the current circumstances look like.
Charlie was a child performer and had lots of ups and downs.
But he must have been keenly aware that those times when he persevered would create memories of real victories that he could draw on later.
Must have worked because he did go on to gain many honors. Playwright George Bernard Shaw called Chaplin “the only genius to come out of the movie industry.”
It’s Friday. Consider yourself “Quotivated”!
PS: If self belief is something you’d like to have in abundance then check out my free webinar on Tuesday night at 6PM Pacific. To get a notification go here.