When you start anything new you are usually drawn to it (+). That’s because you’re looking at the great possibilities for all the goodness that you envision. It’s all part of the packaging of the new and different.
But then, after a while, the difficulties and problems start to arise as you try to grasp the newness and gain control of it. If it’s a new business you’re starting for example, it can be really fun in the beginning until customers start demanding better service and supplier’s want their accounts paid up.
It can get so bad that you might want to run away (-) and hide.
I know what it’s like. I’ve started many small businesses that failed miserably. But I couldn’t run away (-) from the worst one because it was in farming and there were livestock involved who had to be milked every day. I had to ride that one right till the day they came in trucks and picked up all of our goats and sent them to the processor. That was a big (-) I can tell you.
Existence is filled with these things (-). Few and far between are the (+) it seems. Especially these days.
But I found a way to change that and it helped a lot of people with the (-) in their lives. But I had to stay with the process of learning about the newness I called H.E.R.O. well enough to be able to articulate its story.
Glad I did too. So will you because there could be a pile of (-) heading your way and this can make you strong enough to turn a lot of the (-) into (+).
And that, my friend, is going to keep you from moving away from things that might be good for you to moving closer to them.
More power to you.