Famous Friday Quotivation #9 for January 14, 2011
“God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” ~William Shakespeare
Shakespeare recognized it. I don’t know if the bard himself had a problem with it or not but, chances are, you probably did. Don’t you remember your mother telling you this:
“Just be yourself.”
It most likely was at a time in your young life when you faced a challenge that triggered some measure of fear. Perhaps you were assigned the task of speaking in front of the class on a project that you cared about. Maybe you were going somewhere socially for the first time and became flustered with worry about how you might be received.
It’s quite common, especially when we’re young, to seek advice about how to handle some new situation from sources outside of yourself. When we become adults we hire life-coaches for that. We go to seminars and read “how to” books, or watch videos on YouTube.
Then we get addicted to that stuff and, because it wears off after a time, we’ve got to go back for more.
But I think the real reason that we have a hard time being our original selves is because deep down we know we’d then have to take responsibility for the outcomes we create.
As Chris says “Being yourself is risky. Something could go wrong, and then whose fault would it be?”
Opps! Something fell of the rails? You landed on your head instead of your feet?
Failures happen. They can hurt like hell but they can also be very instructive and that usually renders a high value sometime in the future.
Bear your scars proudly. It may not be the face you were born with but it’s the best face you’ll ever have.
Consider yourself quotivated.
PS: Want to hit a home run in your own personal development? Register HERE for my free Mindset Immunity Explained webinar this Tuesday at 6PM Pacific and learn how you can become the author of the most important ebook ever written.