I stumbled on a tweet by yaslani in Twitter awhile ago.
It was heart-wrenching.
She was worried about her co-workers who were just informed today by the company they work for that their services were no longer required.
I don’t know Yaslandi.
Never met her.
She’s thousands of miles and three time zones away at least. Wouldn’t know her if she walked up to my front door and knocked.
But, after reading her blog post, if she did rap on my door I’d probably invite her in for a nice cup of tea. She seems like that kind of person.
These days a lot of office workers like Yaslani are suffering from persistent panic attacks about their own jobs let alone having to feel bad about the misfortunes of their comrades.
But I can understand her mindset.
She, like myself, is an artist and artists always feel things.
After all for an artist to feel things, and then to express them in whatever medium they can, is their job.
I think she’s got a great future in it too.
I think that’s the job she should stick with.