The Tattoo That Helps Fight Cancer

I’m old school. I’ve never had a tattoo before. Never wanted for one either. In fact, I always thought they were only for sailors, wrestlers, or bikers.

But I got one anyway even though I wasn’t in either of those groups. Not because I wanted it but because I didn’t want cancer either. Imagine, a tattoo that helps prevent cancer. But more on that in a minute.

Today it’s quite different. Lot’s of people are getting their skins inkulated in multiple colours. In the US it’s reported that over forty million individuals are feeling proud to wear their skin customized by a tattoo artist.

It’s not just burly men either but ladies too are getting it done in all manner of unimaginable places. They are part of the growing number of people that have them and who are crazy for more.

Take Chris Wenzel for example.

Chris went a step further.

He was an incredible artist who lived in Saskatoon Alberta. He ran a small business there. A tattoo studio to be precise. His artistry was devoted to designing and then permanently embedding those creative images with ink into a client’s skin. He not only did to them he did it, or had it done, to himself.

All over himself.

Obviously, he loved the medium of ink on skin — or ‘skin-art’ as it’s called in the industry. But Chris had a hunch he wouldn’t be around for very long. Before he passed away in his sleep on October 31st the 41-year-old had asked his wife and business partner to consider his post-death request. He wanted his tattoos to be preserved in a frame behind glass as his memorial.

Apparently, Chris had earlier reached out to a company based in Cleveland, Ohio called Save My Ink Forever.

He had made arrangements so that, when the time came, they would perform the necessary procedure. It can be complicated. It involves the skin to be surgically excised, preserved and then professionally conserved behind glass. The process takes about three months and, in his case, costs about $80,000. His wife had agreed. But to get it done wasn’t so easy.

Five funeral homes in Saskatoon refused to allow it in their establishments. Finally, a sixth one, Mourning Glory Funeral Services gave it the go-ahead. It will be the largest skin-art preservation of its kind in North America to date. But nothing like that will ever be done to mine. Not even if I paid eighty large ones for it.

That’s because my tattoo is not just on me. It’s in me.

See, I didn’t want a tattoo. I didn’t even ask for or pay for this one either. In fact, it wasn’t even done by a recognized tattoo artist. But it certainly was done by a real live professional. Although he wasn’t wearing jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt and a bandana on his head. No. My guy is more a plain-Jane-white-coat type.

He’s my colonoscopy specialist.

He had removed a small polyp on the inside wall of my colon a few months earlier. This year it had grown back. He showed me a snap of it on his computer screen in his office. Apparently, it was a cinch to quickly find the exact area because the doc had skilfully, and strategically, placed a little purple dot of tattoo ink on the colon wall near the spot where he had previously pulled off the offending wart.

So, he got it again and this time he carefully cauterized the area before he left. Not much chance of that thing making another appearance.

I was to go back in for another procedure sometime early in 2020. When I did it was clear that there was no further occurrence of that ugly growth. It was completely gone.

My doc said I should come back for one last time in about five years. That’ll be just before my seventy-fifth birthday when I age-out of the system for this kind of procedure.

Some advice: If you’re getting long in the tooth like I am I suggest that you have yourself screened for colon abnormalities. If polyps are allowed to grow for too long they can become malignant. If they work their way through the colon wall then the chances of your system becoming exposed to cancerous cells goes way way up.

Then you could be in real trouble. So, don’t delay.

Colon cancer can be prevented. My tattoo tells the story of how.

Keep healthy. People love you.

More power to you.


PS: There is a lot of magic happening in your gut. Ever had a gut twinge telling you what direction you should take and it turned out to be right? That’s your second brain at work.  It’s important to know that you can optimize both brains together to make sure that you not only have good information coming to you but that you have better information coming through you. To get the lowdown on how this works to set your mindset up for greater resilience jump on this link and join me each Saturday for a quick live video. See you there.


Dark Energy and You


It was just a few days ago that I heard about it on the nightly news.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the universe is not expanding at a steady rate after all. It’s speeding up.

In a way that’s bad news. It’s bad news because eventually, some day far off in the future, when we look up into the night sky we will perhaps see our moon but that’s about it.

Like you needed more bad news eh?

Sorry about that.

The only reason I mention it is because of why these brainy guys and gals are reporting this phenomena. They’re calling it dark energy. It doesn’t mean that they’ve figured out what exactly it is of course.  Far from it. When they don’t know what something is they always call it “dark” – whatever.

They not only have a name like “dark energy” but one called “dark matter” too. What they do know is that, whatever it is, there is a heck of a lot of it out there and it’s the reason why the universe is expanding faster that they once thought.

To me that’s quite interesting because, as I have been talking notes about itfor my book the last two weeks or so. Like those scientists I think there is a lot of dark stuff right here on terra firma and it’s inside of every human who lives here.

The universe is obviously a hostile place. That dark energy will eventually tear the place apart (in a billion years or so). But if it’s hostile “out there” in the inverse it’s quite the opposite inside of us.

Take the good old gut feeling for example. In my theory of Mindset Immunity I describe this unknown energy that we can feel from time to time as “friendly”. If you’ve ever made a decision based on how something feels rather than how it looks then you’ve probably seen a benefit – if not immediately then at some time later.

My point is that this dark energy, which by the way, has enough weight to it to enervate our very sensitive nerve endings located in our gut brain also must be intelligent and somewhat caring about our personal welfare.

Now I can’t prove any of this stuff myself, since I’m not a scientist, but I can read books and reports about the human body. It is a fact that the individual neurons that make up our nervous systems don’t actually touch each other. There is a gap between them called the “synapse”. They actually sort of float in a very thin clear watery substance. These tiny long string-like cells, science says, then send chemical messages to each other through the synapse.

Since I found out about that I wondered: “What is in the empty dark spaces between the nerve cells?”  If there is that much of it then it must be an important constituent in our makeup. And what if the “dark energy” is lurking in all that seemingly empty space?

If I’m right then whatever you want to call it be it “dark” or not it could be worth investigating. That’s exactly what I plan to do in subsequent posts on this blog and in future webinars.

Why not join me in my new project on Facebook  and see how I’m doing it?

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Independence Day 2011

As of today it’s been 235 years since the day America declared itself a free nation with its own constitution.

It’s a great day for freedom and reflection on it’s value and its cost. A time to spend in celebration with family and friends.

I solute all my friends and acquaintances and pray you all have a happy and safe Independence Day.

More power to you all.

David's signature in look-like handwriting


Canada’s Birthday

Today is Canada’s birthday so I’m relaxing and stuffing myself with birthday cake (if I can find any that is.)

Today got me thinking about the official motto. I’s actually in Latin in our coat of arms but it translates to “From Sea To Sea”.

May this could work as your outlook for your own path to personal growth.

All it needs is a little twist: “From See To See”.

If you “see” your accomplishments as actual positives then you should be able to feel the internal reward you got when each happened. That is a form of “seeing” that could result in locating the root source of the drive (your persistent nature) that caused those accomplishments to happen in the first place. Also strengthens mindset immunity like crazy.

That is, in a nutshell, how I’ve structured my main creation to work every time. I’m working on a way to give it to you for free. It should be ready soon.

Happy Birthday to you all, where ever you live.

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Folding Humans

Mobius Monday Minute

# 13 – Feb 21 , 2011 [display_podcast]

Mobius Monday Minute logo

For years now I’ve been talking about how I love to study shapes. As a visual artist I’ve long been interested in working with three-dimensional shapes rather than flat 2D drawings for example.

I enjoy drawing but with three dimensional material you can make structures that occupy real space. In a drawing you’ve got to suggest it or devise a way to fool the eye.

The movie Avatar comes to mind.

Lately a very interesting and very new material has become available that enables anyone with an internet connection to try their hand at forming new shapes out of it.

What is it? It’s human protein.

Now I know this sounds a bit weird so let me explain.

Seems there are some very creative scientists at the University of Washington who have worked up a type of video game called Foldit. It allows users to manipulate a virtual human protein chain into a shape on a computer screen.

New shapes for proteins, something known as protein design, are what the scientists are after. They know that human intuition can be useful at arriving at new solutions that computers can use and learn from. They are hoping that their game might someday lead to new combinations of protein shapes that could be used to cure certain diseases.

Proteins are the workhorses of every cell of every living thing on earth not just the human body. But for us they carry out many very important tasks – everything from breaking down food to power your muscles to transporting nutrients through your blood.

That’s how vitally important shape is. In fact we could not live productive lives without our proteins being folded in their correct shapes.


If shape is a critically determining factor maybe my idea that human thought systems have a right and a wrong shape isn’t so strange after all.

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting