Head-brain On Overfill

Mobius Monday Minute – June 13 , 2011

Mobius Monday Minute logoBooks!  Books!  So many books!

I was reading one of my favorite blogs the other day and Coleen, the blog’s author,  had linked to a fine article on the problem of information oversupply.

Instantly some bells rang for me so I’m here writing about it. As I was typing this I was beginning to realize something about what I’m doing right now. I’m adding to the incredible bulk that our age has become known for: The out-of-control growth of the humongous information pile.

That article came to the sad conclusion of what we must now be prepared for. I can tell you, it doesn’t look good.

It turns out that – for me at least – hoping to be considered as “well read” by any known standard is now virtually unattainable. There is just too much to read, watch, listen to, taste, and touch in the world today. More boldly it seems, that to try to fit the requirements for being well read into our pathetically short little lives is just an impossible task for anyone. But thankfully we have two choices of responses to choose from: “culling or surrender”.

The former is for the focused and the latter for the time-maxed.

Personally, I love reading especially since the day my wife and I gave up the idiot box a few years ago. But now I’ve become more mindful that not only am I not going to get to see or hear it all, I’m going to miss almost all of it by default. Lac of time, added by my current snail’s pace of reading and comprehension, will see to that. And, even if by some chance miracle it didn’t, the rate of info overfill would continue on so relentlessly that I’d fall way behind it anyway.

Like looking at a car accident as you pass by it on the highway, it’s absurdly fascinating to see the scale and scope of this world-wide info head-brain overfill. It’s starkly summed up by the article’s author as she looks at the numbers: “Statistically speaking, you will die having missed almost everything.”


As an artist that statement alone is enough to give me visuals. At least it would have if she hadn’t beaten me to it. Her clever use of her literary skill allowed her to end the essay with the imagery that information today is like an ocean and all we are going to be able to get out of it is a paltry little cupful.

That’s another good reason why I recommend making a simple little tweak in your system of thinking. It’s a “brain tweak” that allows for a fundamental change in your focus. It’s now possible to go from information  – that’s not only coming to you – but information that’s now coming through you. It’s something I talk about in my free Mobius Effect Webinars and you can learn more about it here

Trust me. All is not lost.

More power to you.

David is the developer of the H.E.R.O. eMachine

PS: Would you like to learn about a new way to discover what you are really meant to do? What is true and natural for you instead of taking direction from others? Check out my free Mobius Effect Webinar.

Photo: Copyright by stephamelon on Flickr

Same Word – Different Culture

Mobius Monday Minute – June 6 , 2011

Mobius Monday Minute logo

Persistence is one of those things that each culture on earth has it’s own word for. Here in North America we have at least three words for it. Determination, perseverance, and doggedness.

Doesn’t matter though which ones you use the meaning stays pretty much the same. “Trying to do something and never quitting till the thing is done successfully” is the meaning that works for me.

In other words: Persistence means success.

Should be the same for you too. No matter where you live.

More power to you.
David's signature in look-like handwriting


PS: Would you like to learn about a new way to discover what you are really meant to do? What is true and natural for you instead of taking direction from others? Check out my free Mobius Effect Webinar.

Quotius #3

Each week I intend to dispatch my pent-up creativity by creating a new version of something I call a “quotius”. (Learn about the genesis of it  here.)

“Change the way you look at things .. and the things you look at change”  –  Wayne Dyer
In this quotius I dissect Dr. Wayne Dryer’s famously well known message.

In a Youtube video he states, while pointing to his chest, that what this means is that “It’s all in here”. I certainly can’t disagree with that but I have some trouble with his using such a broad brush. There can be a lot of stuff happening “in here”.

I know a lot of people think Dr. Dyer is fantastically brilliant and I don’t totally disagree with that either but I think we need more from this than what I see so far. A little closer more detailed look might change what we see.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I certainly agree it’s “all in here” for sure. Change must come from within and everything. But we suffer from the “where have I heard all this before?” and the… “Tell me something I didn’t know” type of cynicism.

In my perspective, which deeply involves the simple little brain tweak  that I call The Mobius Effect, the story ends up looking like this:

You have a vast amount of potential in you. But the problem we have is that a lot of us don’t believe it. It sounds like another one of those positive affirmation thingies. But if we look at it a little differently it will change to be more like this:

The pattern of your potential is the largest pattern that exists on earth. It is so large a pattern that it cannot fit into the human brain. We can only talk about it hypothetically. We humans need things with reasonable hard edges. We need some sort of frame of reference for our visual field even if it’s something that’s in our perceptual thought field. With it we can see where the thing is, reference it to where we are, and then from there understand it as well as make use of it.

In my webinars I use this example:  If you’ve ever looked up, to see a single cloud in an otherwise clear sky, you know what I’m talking about. You can see its outer edges, its place in the sky in relation to you being on the ground. But what if the cloud is now itself on the ground and is surrounding you? Well, for one thing we don’t call it a cloud any more…

We call it a fog.

If, like me, you’ve ever been out driving your car and became surrounded by a dense fog that has completely obliterated your vision you would know what that feels like. You feel terribly lost and you may even fear for your safety. You immediately pull over to the side of the road (where ever that is) and hope that no one crashes into you who’s as lost in it as you are.

So…how can we change how we look at things enough so that we install some sort of frame of reference?

Good question.

I have a surprising answer for it too. (That’s the kind of thing that I answer using words and pictures in my free webinars every week. )

But I don’t want to leave you just hanging here so, while I firmly believe you need more visual detail than I can give you in this blog post, I’m going to give you my short definition of what the Mobius Effect is.

The Mobius Effect is a phenomenon that happens when we implement a simple little brain tweak and almost instantly our perception is changed. Now we can grasp much smaller self-similar patterns in place the super huge host thereby making it much more accessible to our mind’s understanding.

It automatically allows us to change the way we see all things more intelligently. And that, as they say, changes everything.

More power to you.
David is the developer of the H.E.R.O. eMachine
PS: Have you noticed that a lot of personal development methods no longer pack the punch they once did? Could be the times. I went ahead and invented this simple little brain tweak that makes a huge difference in leveraging your efforts for creating a better version of yourself. Want more? Attend my FREE webinar here.

ROI Shift

ROI sign

Seth Godin’s post on his blog this morning talks about how Kraft Singles has “the normal … the regular kind” market in it’s particular field sewed up.

“That slot is taken” he says.

Anyone trying to break into that market is going to fail unless it can make what it offers so compelling that it moves the entire market center toward itself and away from the previous “normal”.

In looking at this it made me see that he is probably right even in a market that includes personal development (PD) products that are aimed at developing the positive aspects of thinking. In fact I’ve long felt that this industry (PD) is ready for a big shakeup. The “normal” kind of stuff that’s being offered has become so ubiquitous that its effects are now wearing thin.

It’s become too normal to work against the kinds of problems facing so many of us these days.

With my launch of the Mobius Effect the focus will be away from head-based “therapies”.  It’s going to be a shift.  I’m not going to be offering the usual staple that this industry is so known for: forced acquiring of repetitive old-hat information and head-brain stuffing.

Instead, we’re going to move the center of gravity towards the most natural thing in the world – something I call Mindset Immunity. The delivery of a fractal of a pattern of potential in you that is so large it wouldn’t otherwise fit into your head-brain alone. Need to draw in the gut brain too.

The effect will be an instantaneous recurring and generous ROI – Return On Immunity. This will give those in the market for personal betterment a clear choice for the first time in a long time. ROI: Return On Information-stuffing or ROI: Return On Immunity.

One jams you up the other offers freeness.

More Power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting

A Silly Little Paper Band and A Phenomenon – Part 1

A Mobius Strip and a Mystery.

The Mobius strip is a bit of magic that you can hold in your hand

I’m willing to bet that the day he dreamed it up 150 years ago he never thought it would come to mean so much as it does today.

He was lucky though. It was a super- elegant design but was so simple that anyone could have thought of it but… no one did. I’m sure he would be pleased to see that so much is being made of his ” little parlor trick”.

That’s what they said about Ferdinand August Mobius’ little invention back in 1858. After all it was just a flat strip of paper with a half-twist in it and joined end to end. No big deal except it had some very cool and unusual properties. Only one surface and one edge!

Ferdinand was a mathematician and an astronomer who had a liking for forms and one-sideFerdinand August Mobiusd objects in particular. By the time he discovered the strip that would bear his name he was becoming a recognized pioneer in the branch field of mathematics known as topology : the study of the properties of objects. He described his creation in typical scientific terms calling it a: “linear fractional transformation”

I didn’t care about all that stuff though.

That’s because when I first laid eyes on the famous strip I was just twelve years old. I had received a subscription that past Christmas to one of those wonderfully produced book series by Time/Life. You know the ones. They had big easy-to-read pages with hard covers. They we’re loaded with lavish diagrams, illustrations, and photographs in full color. This particular one was on Mathematics and, while math was never my long suit, to me that book made a dry subject look absolutely fascinating. I immediately knew that the mobius was something special and unforgettable. When I actually constructed one myself I was hooked.

Years later I would recall that moment. There I’d be sitting in my bedroom looking at that page featuring the Mobius strip. To this day, now 57 years later, I still have one sitting on my desk. As it turned out it truly was unforgettable.

And impressive.

So impressive I even named my website after it: Mobiusman.com. For me it would come to be the perfect metaphor for the phenomenon I had discovered: the effect of two different things becoming one.

The mobius strip would be a perfect symbol of the transformation that takes place when the two most powerful motivational forces that operate all of humanity blend into one homogeneous system. It would demonstrate so elegantly how this phenomenon operates to naturally buffer the negative effects of the stresses of life as they occur in real time. I call it the “Mobius Effect”.

For me, and a few others who experience it, that effect was absolutely profound and life- changing. I’ve since come to understand that it’s what it does for the strength of one’s mindset and how it does it that is the really big story.

I’ll be telling you a lot more about it in upcoming posts in this series so be sure to get back here often.

Part 2 will appear here in a couple of days.

I hope you don’t mind waiting.

I’m sure Ferdinand wouldn’t.

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting