Trans Fat Thinking

margerine labelI’m not a huge health nut.  I’m a mindset immunity nut. So what am I doing writing about trans fats? There is a story here.

Not that long ago my wife and I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. We soon found ourselves in the dairy isle so we got our cheese, sour cream, and some yogurt. Then we got to the butter. “Where’s the butter?” I asked her as if she would know. There wasn’t any. The shelf was bare. Seems there was a sale on butter and, since this was latter in the day, other customers had run off with it.

Our only alternative was the other brand and it was about twice the cost of the house brand that was on sale.

But by now I was hooked on getting a deal and we did need butter. So the only other choice was something that is not even a dairy product.  It’s margarine, that molecular mash-up that often stands-in up to four times as often as butter in many families’ refigerators. Same color, similar consistency, and it even has the same packaging as butter. The one pound square this I got comes dressed in that familiar paper wrapper and its even exactly the same size as a pound of butter.

But of course it’s not the same.

It’s margarine.The label says that on the front. On the back is its ingredients and nutritional info including the trans-fat percentage. This is the thing that’s been linked to many diseases including some types of cancer. It’s a molecular freak that the body simply can’t use. If it tries to it will turn it into something even more deformed.

Now that I’ve had a chance to research it a bit I find that it’s probably closer to being plastic than food. Nothing will grow in it. Leave it out and no pesky flies will go near it. Won’t rot or smell weird if left out either. It’s definitely not butter.

So why did I buy it?

I was skunked by price. Outmaneuvered by the marketing and seduced by easy availability.

Sounds familiar? Many do it every day when they pick up a great book of advice, positive quotes, or read stories of successful people. Get their shot of motivation for the day to help them overcome a tough situation or just help them figure out what to do next.

What else can they do?

Real authentic passion and mindset immunity is in short supply. It’s rarity makes it expensive in time and effort to find it too. So we stick with the mind-candy even though we know that it’s addictive and eventually leads to system breakdowns. It’s loaded with trans-fat thinking that:

  • is extrinsic, it doesn’t come from you it comes at you
  • clogs the pathways of good clear creativity with rules and “guidelines” that are not your own
  • it’s not natural to you so it may not quite fit and it doesn’t last very long
  • it’s just cheap and instant and requires little work to get because there’s lot’s of vendors out there who are ready to give it to you

I’ve read some of those trans-fatty books. I know what they are like but I now know better.

Glad I’m finished with this post. Now I can go to my fridge, reach in for that chunk of margarine, and chuck it in the garbage trans-fats and all.

More power to you all.

Private Libraries

When I was in high school I’d sometimes walk over to my dad’s office so I could catch a ride home with him.  Often I’d have to wait at least an hour. To pass the time I’d go across the street to the building that was the main library. I loved going there because there was so much to look at.

I’d look at books on business ideas mostly because I wanted to have the mindset of an entrepreneur when I grew up.

I’d examine the great stories of past successful businessmen and marvel at how rich they became. I was fascinated to learn about their stories of how they struggled to overcome difficulty and hardship.  Of course I did go on to become an entrepreneur myself and I too had to overcome many things in my efforts to get the job done.

My Private Library

But it wasn’t until I had stumbled upon what would become known as the H.E.R.O. eMachine, and used it myself, that I was to realize the importance of the hidden private libraries that people must be walking  around with every day. Within these are the forgotten stories of successes gone by.

Through my work with H.E.R.O. I am well aware of the power that they possess. Power to transform an ordinary life into an extraordinary one.

I’ve seen it first hand.

Entering these private libraries and helping their owners to Uncover these stories are one of the things that  H.E.R.O. is designed to do. The other is to form a connection to the root core energy that allowed them to form.

I am blessed indeed to now be able to help so many access their own private libraries. Help them to expose the hidden drive that all those stories link to and be a witnesses to the transformation that then occurs.

The shy become confident. The fearful daring. The directionless gain passion.

What libraries I’ve seen!


Questions/Answers – Think and Grow Rich

 Is Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill Enough To Build A Strong Belief In Yourself?

Napoleon Hill still looks good to a lot of people trying to strengthen their mindsetI’ve written about Napoleon Hill before. But recently I was in an online forum and I’m always amazed at the attention and interest the work of  Napoleon Hill still get’s so many decades after his death.

In the post I was reading the person who started the thread was asking people to explain in our own words what we thought Hills most famous book was all about. Elsewhere on the same thread the poster came back and commented that he thought it was about faith and total belief.

Here’s how I responded:

You are absolutely right on about the total belief thing. But here’s the rub. Any belief no matter what it is about can only be established through one of these two ways:

1. Argument – a story, a discussion, a great book read over and over such as Think and Grow Rich (you get the idea) 2. Hard evidence – If you put your finger over a flame you will from then on be able to totally believe anyone who says that fire burns.

Now, I’m sure that you would agree hard evidence trumps mere argument any day.

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Don’t Join the LOA Copy Club

If you’ve been around the internet in the last few years like I have you may have run into something called the law of attraction or LOA as it is sometimes called.

It is promoted as a way of obtaining all the good things you want by “manifesting” them into your life from the “abundant Universe”.

A young Napoleon Hill stamp-like designIt got to be a really big deal a few years ago when the movie “the Secret” was released on-line and attracted enough paying viewers to make its producers wealthy to the power of 10.

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Pushy Cat

Calico cat on green background No, that’s not a typo. I really do have one.

I spend a lot of time working on my computer each day. She spends a lot of time resting on the other office chair. Like right now for example she’s relaxing after her breakfast.  She is a beautiful 4year-old calico and we love her. But… she can be pushy.

Real pushy.

Usually it has to do with the three things she wants most. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. At about 11:30 or so she wakes up fro her morning nap and her “pushyness” begins. She tries to gain entry on to my lap through the small space between me and the keyboard.

If she doesn’t make it the first time she tries again and again until she succeeds.

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