Mobius Monday Minute #6

Persistence book cover# 6 – Dec 13 , 2010 – Persistence Quotes Book

A few days ago I released a new free ebook entitled:

Famous Collect of Quotes on The first Wonder Of Your Inner World: PERSISTENCE”

In this book I have about 50 pages of quotes each one with a matching photo. So far I’ve received requests for the book from at least 13 different countries.

It’s interesting that a subject like persistence has such a wide appeal to so many. But, in a way, I’m not too surprised. Persistence, as I like to explain it is not just another idea. It’s a drive that can be experienced by all humans no matter where in the world they may be.

But what more can we say about this mysterious drive we call persistence?

I’ve tried to answer that question in the introduction pages of this new book.

Here’s what I said:

There’s one thing about persistence that we’ve all been told from day one: If you use it you will eventually overcome all obstacles and you will accomplish what you have set out to do.

Sounds good right?

Of course it does. But how can we even begin to apply advice like that unless we understand what it is that were talking about? Exactly what is persistence anyway ?

First, let’s take a look at it in

[per-sis-tuh ns, -zis-]

1. the act or fact of persisting.
2. the quality of being persistent :
You have persistence, I’ll say that for you.
3. continued existence or occurrence:
the persistence of smallpox.
4. the continuance of an effect after its cause is removed.

Hmm. Fine literary definition but not all that helpful an answer to our question is it? Could it be that they don’t know exactly what it is either?

I’ve been looking at this question for almost thirty years now and, while I’m not going to launch into a full scale lecture here, let me just give you my bare bones version of my answer.

Persistence is an ethereal drive that is centered in an area of the body that used to be known as the solar plexus. (But that’s just an old boxing term. All that’s changed since the discovery of the enteric nervous system or brain in the gut.)

It acts spontaneously to support our direct consistent action while by-passing our tendency for extensive analysis and allowing clear thinking and observation to naturally happen.

In other words when our persistence kicks in it is felt as a motivation from deep inside of us.

Unfortunately, most of us can’t just turn it on every time we need to and it can’t be taught in school. If it could there would be universities dedicated to it. Graduates would be trained to be persistent in all things such as love for others, kindness, and generosity. A gut-based drive like persistence can’t be generated from a head brain based thought or idea.

What we do know about persistence is that it appears to be the causal backbone of all human achievement. It is an amazing natural phenomenon. In fact I propose that it should be listed as the first wonder of your inner-world because, when you think about it, how could any of the other seven wonders ever get built without it?

That’s what I wrote.

Now I have something fantastic to tell you:

Over the years I have been working on a new tool that you can use right from your web-connected computer. It uses a reverse-search method to help you gain authentic self-belief, rock-solid self-confidence, and a mindset that knows your capability to overcome challenges. This is all a result of you isolating the true source of your past history of success.

This work can consist of simple stories where you broke through a barrier of some kind and it benefited you or others.

I call it H.E.R.O. It’s an acronym for Honest Examination of Real Occurrences.

It may not be for everyone but it might be for you.

What it does is form a connection between you and that gut strength that is your persistent nature.

You can learn more about it at here.

I hope that you’ll take a moment look into how this works to help you become more of what you’re meant to be.

When you are able to more fully apprehend the drive that is persistence, and have its strength become more available when you most need it, perhaps then you might find yourself creating unforgettable wonders of your own.

More power to you my friend.

David's signature


David W. Parsons

7 Wonders of the Natural World + one

Bay of Fundy and the famous rock formations
Bay of Fundy - photo: Flickr


In the year 2000 a guy by the name of Bernard Weber started a movement to update the original “wonders of the world’ as was originally compiled  by the Greek historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE).

When Weber’s project got started it caused quite a stir. It had, after all, been over 2,000 years since the original list had had an update. By the time he was done  his vote tally, which was seen by many as purely unscientific, had garnered a total of 100 million votes cast mostly online from every corner of the world. Herodotus couldn’t hold a clay tablet to that puppy.

Read more

The Greatest Motivational Mystery Of All Time

We’ve all heard it said that “your first choice is often your best choice” and “trust your gut feeling it’s usually right“.  This is something that is recognized as a phenomenon in many cultures the world over.  It has caused people to make major decisions based entirely on how it felt rather than how it looked regardless of how strongly others advised them against it. I think this has got to be the greatest motivational mystery of all time.

Recently I ran across an interesting video on Evan Carmichael’s site that suggests this same advice should be considered number one when making business decisions.  Check it out:[youtube][/youtube]


PS: If you want to learn more about how this  mysterious phenomenon, what I call the “mobius effect” fits in with my theory of Mindset Immunity then check this out.

More power to you,

Signature of David Partsons the Mindset Immunity expert

My Handel

Hold up the mobius stripAlthough I usually write quite a bit about “mindset immunity”  a while back someone asked me about my “Mobiusman” handle. This post is in response to that. It‘s also an add-on to a series of posts I had previously published beginning here.

Most people will not know what a mobius is although they might recognize it if they saw it. I have explained it in previous posts but here’s a quick refresher.

It’s an invention that, about 150 years ago, was credited to August Ferdinand Mobius.  He was a professor of advanced mathematics at the University Of Lipzig where he contributed to the advancement of a very esoteric sub-field of geometry known as “topology”. When he created the first mobius strip his interest was the examination of two-dimensional forms in three dimensional space. Originally he took a strip of paper and, before joining the ends to each other, gave one end a half-twist.

When I first saw it I was a young boy of ten or eleven years old. It was in an illustrated book on mathematics and I was immediately intrigued with it.

Many years later, when I developed the H.E.R.O. eMachine together with the theory of mindset immunity, I immediately employed the mobius strip as the perfect metaphor that symbolized the key points I was attempting to communicate to the rest of the world.

What better image then a simple construct like the mobius. In an amazingly elegant way it suggests a continuous stable loop of motivation as well as infinite possibilities. For myself and for others it has become an appropriate symbol of personal transformation caused by using the H.E.R.O. eMachine format just once.

There are a few key points that I like to use the mobius strip to help me illustrate. 

Key Point One: Duality Principal

I was continually invoking the idea of the double nature of humanity in my work. I’m a visual guy so I needed a physical structure with which to model the story of how the integration of both mindset and physical immunity work to improve the efficiency of the entire system.

In fact the mobius was so good at illustrating the phenomenon of transformation it was chosen by Gary Anderson in 1970 as a base for his design for the symbol for recycling. It’s still in use today.

Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, and average families today need to get more out of existing resources because it’s more efficient to do so. This applies to physical as well as creative or intuitive resources as these produce results quicker and time – as they say – is money.

The idea of duality is deeply involved in what it means to be human. The idea of the two human natures, the physical and the ethereal, go back a long long time.  Discussions about these elements can be traced back to the times of the great philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato.

Key Point Two: Infinity

I really like the idea of infinity as it relates to how endlessly dual immunity can work to support each of its two parts. The symbol for infinity in mathematics is called the “lemniscate”. It basically looks like a figure eight lying down on its side. Lemniscates, if drawn in three dimensions and then rendered in the third dimension as a flat band, becomes a mobius strip.

Key Point Three: Freedom

It is clear to all of us that negative thinking makes us “stuck” and unable to move forward as we should. In a story, the first ever published on the surface of a mobius strip, I told of the opportunity for freedom of mindset that transformation brings.

I like to think that the mobius is a story about potential. I tell this story often with special emphasis on the two directions that information can travel. It can go to you or it can come through you. The latter being more easily comprehended at a gut level.

So, what’s your handle?  Do you have one? If so tell me about it and if it’s visual send me a picture of it. I’d love to hear from you.