Try It One More Time

“When the world says, Give up, Hope whispers, Try it one more time.”

-Author Unknown

Famous Quotivation Day #2 – November 19, 2010


You know the drill.

A thing gets tougher and tougher till you begin to believe that the only option open to you is to quit and give up.

But if you’re lucky enough, and lots aren’t, you get this little niggley feeling from deep down inside of you that says “Try it one more time”.

It looks like a useless idea because it’s damn hard work to follow a suggestion like that.  You already have the facts. You have the evidence stacked up from previous failures that work to convince you that what you’re trying to do is impossible to accomplish… at least by you.

There’s just one thing that you have left. Hope. As faint as it looks it can spur you on to try again.  It’s a lot more than just another four letter word if you look at it closely.

For me HOPE is an acronym for “History Opens Perception Expands”. It’s part and parcel of how I explain mindset immunity.

Your past (H) history has within it the entire record that is your success footprint. It’s complete and quite detailed. It includes within it every feeling you’ve ever had for those times when you’ve gained even the slightest victory. If you can get it to (O) open it will reveal a trove of all those great memories. It is very empowering.

Imagine what it would be like if every moment of space and time where you won out over adversity could be piled one atop the other, like so many slices of bread, and visit with you in your current space and time.

I’ve been quietly doing just that for clients in seminars for over 25 years now and I can tell you it’s over-the-top powerful.


When this is done your (P) perception of the base energy behind the accomplishment (E) expands to become your now reality. You will feel it in your gut brain. It will present itself as real, solid, and irrefutable hard evidence that you can build an enduring self-belief on. A vital component of success attainment.

Ask anyone who’s seen to be accomplished.

With HOPE working for you you’ll come to the conclusion that you’ve done it before and, dogonit, you can do it again.

So why give up now? You still have hope don’t you?

David's signature

More power to you my friends.

The Three Letter Question

woman asking the How question

The Mobius Monday Minute – This is the first of a new series of posts that will appear every Monday about motivation, personal development, and mindset immunity.

woman asking the How question

Today I want to talk about one of the biggest mindset stumbling blocks many of us will ever encounter. It’s all embodied in one little three-letter question: HOW?

This question may look tiny on a page but in real life it can pack a wallop of intimidation. Everything from a small crack to a huge canyon.

The difference in dimension is determined by the addition of the kinds of words we use after the word “how …?”.

Example: How can I …? (fill in the problem)  How do I …? (Fill in the area of missing information) How could you …? (Fill in the situation)

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I’m Guilty As Hell

H.E.R.O. is like a shovel - you can dig with it

I Made H.E.R.O.

See, I’m guilty because I made the H.E.R.O. eMachine years ago and so far I have not yet launched it in any major market. Pitiful isn’t it?  I just tested it a bit here and there and even had some pretty good results too.

So why am I so slow to get it going? (Hold it. That’s what my wife would ask. You haven’t been talking to her have you?)

Let me start by telling you what H.E.R.O. actually is and then we can get on with my guilty plea.

H.E.R.O. is an acronym (hope you don’t mind acronyms I use them a lot so I’m guilty there too) for:

  • Honest
  • Examination of
  • Real
  • Occurrences

Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense just yet, it will soon.

H.E.R.O. is a little… “unusual” I guess you could say. See it’s not at all like any other thing you may have seen in personal development. It’s not a bunch of information that you must read and study over and over again.  It’s not like meditation or yoga either.

In fact H.E.R.O. is downright weird actually. It’s more like a tool or even an appliance like a toaster than a personal development program.

I think I probably describe it best by comparing it to Google… but in reverse. With Google you put in a search term in and it spits out a result. With H.E.R.O. it gives you the proper search phrase, called a key, then you have to look at a past activity that relates to the key. This must be one of those times when you overcame an obstacle where your persistence or determination got a real workout.

Then you’ve got to type that result in and hit “enter”. Then keep doing more just like that with every key phrase it gives you.

It takes a while but by the end of it something incredible happens. You start feeling really really good about yourself but… for no apparent reason.

But we’re not done yet.

Next you’re asked to perform a kind of viewing exercise from inside of your own nervous system. (See, told you it was weird.)

It’s called the “fovea exercise”. If you’ve done it right so far you should be feeling something buzzing around in your gut area just below your rib cage. Now look at that area, known widely as the solar plexus, and type in your “impression” of what you are perceiving as being active there at that location.

Good. Now you’re just about done. Next you have to describe it an at least three of five categories.

What you have seen inside of you is the strangest (yet the most natural) thing you will ever experience. What you are “seeing” is the root core energy drive behind every act of persistence and determination you have ever performed. Or ever will perform in the future for that matter. (I describe it as an immune system for the mindset. In fact I write about mindset immunity a lot. It’s the only theory that makes sense. We have one for the body. why not one for the thinking?)

From then on you will forever be able to look and see that core energy whenever you want or need to. You never need to do H.E.R.O. over again ever. In fact you can’t.  You will be flagged if you try because we never allow repeat attempts once there has been a break longer than fifteen minutes during the process. It doesn’t seem to work as well and just wastes everyone’s time.

So, let me ask you.

If you had a tool like this how would you introduce it to the world? Especially a world that for almost 100 years has gotten used to personal development programs that are based on someone else’s story instead of your own?

Oooh!  Guilt feels so much better when it’s spread around.

More power to you.

David's signature

PS: Want to join us as we move to change the whole industry of personal development as we know it? Then leave me a comment below telling me how you would get this out to the world and I’ll arrange to give you an almost free H.E.R.O. test drive so you can see for yourself how H.E.R.O. works.

My Handel

Hold up the mobius stripAlthough I usually write quite a bit about “mindset immunity”  a while back someone asked me about my “Mobiusman” handle. This post is in response to that. It‘s also an add-on to a series of posts I had previously published beginning here.

Most people will not know what a mobius is although they might recognize it if they saw it. I have explained it in previous posts but here’s a quick refresher.

It’s an invention that, about 150 years ago, was credited to August Ferdinand Mobius.  He was a professor of advanced mathematics at the University Of Lipzig where he contributed to the advancement of a very esoteric sub-field of geometry known as “topology”. When he created the first mobius strip his interest was the examination of two-dimensional forms in three dimensional space. Originally he took a strip of paper and, before joining the ends to each other, gave one end a half-twist.

When I first saw it I was a young boy of ten or eleven years old. It was in an illustrated book on mathematics and I was immediately intrigued with it.

Many years later, when I developed the H.E.R.O. eMachine together with the theory of mindset immunity, I immediately employed the mobius strip as the perfect metaphor that symbolized the key points I was attempting to communicate to the rest of the world.

What better image then a simple construct like the mobius. In an amazingly elegant way it suggests a continuous stable loop of motivation as well as infinite possibilities. For myself and for others it has become an appropriate symbol of personal transformation caused by using the H.E.R.O. eMachine format just once.

There are a few key points that I like to use the mobius strip to help me illustrate. 

Key Point One: Duality Principal

I was continually invoking the idea of the double nature of humanity in my work. I’m a visual guy so I needed a physical structure with which to model the story of how the integration of both mindset and physical immunity work to improve the efficiency of the entire system.

In fact the mobius was so good at illustrating the phenomenon of transformation it was chosen by Gary Anderson in 1970 as a base for his design for the symbol for recycling. It’s still in use today.

Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, and average families today need to get more out of existing resources because it’s more efficient to do so. This applies to physical as well as creative or intuitive resources as these produce results quicker and time – as they say – is money.

The idea of duality is deeply involved in what it means to be human. The idea of the two human natures, the physical and the ethereal, go back a long long time.  Discussions about these elements can be traced back to the times of the great philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato.

Key Point Two: Infinity

I really like the idea of infinity as it relates to how endlessly dual immunity can work to support each of its two parts. The symbol for infinity in mathematics is called the “lemniscate”. It basically looks like a figure eight lying down on its side. Lemniscates, if drawn in three dimensions and then rendered in the third dimension as a flat band, becomes a mobius strip.

Key Point Three: Freedom

It is clear to all of us that negative thinking makes us “stuck” and unable to move forward as we should. In a story, the first ever published on the surface of a mobius strip, I told of the opportunity for freedom of mindset that transformation brings.

I like to think that the mobius is a story about potential. I tell this story often with special emphasis on the two directions that information can travel. It can go to you or it can come through you. The latter being more easily comprehended at a gut level.

So, what’s your handle?  Do you have one? If so tell me about it and if it’s visual send me a picture of it. I’d love to hear from you.

A Bridge Too Far

I don’t get to the movies much so I haven’t got a lot of memories of too many of them. But back in 1977 I went to see a war picture called “A bridge too far“. I don’t remember why I want because I don’t really like war pics.

It had a lot of great actors in it though. Guys like Michael Caine, James Caan, and the famous actor of  the Bond movies 007 Sean Connery.  This was a true story which took place in 1944 in the middle of the second world war.  It is known in history as “operation Market Garden”.

The Allies wanted to finish the war early and so poured everything into this operation. It didn’t go well. Not well at all.

Allied paratroops land in Holland 1944
Allied paratroops land in Holland 1944

The German forces were stronger than anticipated and in the end it was declared an “Allied operational failure”.  Now we know it was the worst in history with over 17,000 casualties. One of the bridges they were trying to capture was just too darn far.

Kind a bit-off-more-than-we-can-chew type of thing.

Ever have one of those? I have, and it used to stress me out to the nines. It can do a lot of damage to your mindset that’s for sure.

Lucky I took this a long time ago and now I get an automatic buffering effect whenever a bad turn happens. It’s still not a cake-walk but it allows me to stay on track.  A lot better than the alternative.

More power to you.

A Bridge Too Far