Skill Of The Creative

The simple paperclip can be a doorway to a creative moment
The simple paperclip can be a doorway to a creative moment
Photo: Flicker – chrisdlugosz

The ultimate skill of the truly creative person is their ability to survive change no matter how varied it may be.

Acquiring and then expertly utilizing already structured knowledge is the attribute of the very learned.

The creative person is uniquely interested in newness.

That, coupled with a passion for what they do, fires a gut-drive infused with persistence that sustains a vision that never changes.

It’s different than a dream.

It makes the timeline from start to finish,  even if it’s very long (and it often is), seem more bearable.

Even when it looks like failure is following failure yet again this drive wins out because it won’t let them give up easily.

Another word for a creative person like that is “entrepreneur”.

In the 1920’s, and for many years after, Napoleon Hill interviewed one hundred and twenty-five of the most financially successful men of his day.

Know what he discovered? The top two attributes for their success was their persistence and determination. Not intelligence or connections. Too bad Hill himself never nailed down exactly what the nature of persistence and determination was and how to get more of it into your life. He instead got wrapped up in laws and lists of principals. More head brain work for you to do.

All that is a far cry from finally finding out what exactly it is that allows some to survive long periods of discomfort and to maintain a motivation through it all. For creatives who want to ‘make it’ on their own terms it’s as essential as air.

More power to you.

David's signature in what looks-like handwriting. Sort of.

Mobius Monday Minute #6

Persistence book cover# 6 – Dec 13 , 2010 – Persistence Quotes Book

A few days ago I released a new free ebook entitled:

Famous Collect of Quotes on The first Wonder Of Your Inner World: PERSISTENCE”

In this book I have about 50 pages of quotes each one with a matching photo. So far I’ve received requests for the book from at least 13 different countries.

It’s interesting that a subject like persistence has such a wide appeal to so many. But, in a way, I’m not too surprised. Persistence, as I like to explain it is not just another idea. It’s a drive that can be experienced by all humans no matter where in the world they may be.

But what more can we say about this mysterious drive we call persistence?

I’ve tried to answer that question in the introduction pages of this new book.

Here’s what I said:

There’s one thing about persistence that we’ve all been told from day one: If you use it you will eventually overcome all obstacles and you will accomplish what you have set out to do.

Sounds good right?

Of course it does. But how can we even begin to apply advice like that unless we understand what it is that were talking about? Exactly what is persistence anyway ?

First, let’s take a look at it in

[per-sis-tuh ns, -zis-]

1. the act or fact of persisting.
2. the quality of being persistent :
You have persistence, I’ll say that for you.
3. continued existence or occurrence:
the persistence of smallpox.
4. the continuance of an effect after its cause is removed.

Hmm. Fine literary definition but not all that helpful an answer to our question is it? Could it be that they don’t know exactly what it is either?

I’ve been looking at this question for almost thirty years now and, while I’m not going to launch into a full scale lecture here, let me just give you my bare bones version of my answer.

Persistence is an ethereal drive that is centered in an area of the body that used to be known as the solar plexus. (But that’s just an old boxing term. All that’s changed since the discovery of the enteric nervous system or brain in the gut.)

It acts spontaneously to support our direct consistent action while by-passing our tendency for extensive analysis and allowing clear thinking and observation to naturally happen.

In other words when our persistence kicks in it is felt as a motivation from deep inside of us.

Unfortunately, most of us can’t just turn it on every time we need to and it can’t be taught in school. If it could there would be universities dedicated to it. Graduates would be trained to be persistent in all things such as love for others, kindness, and generosity. A gut-based drive like persistence can’t be generated from a head brain based thought or idea.

What we do know about persistence is that it appears to be the causal backbone of all human achievement. It is an amazing natural phenomenon. In fact I propose that it should be listed as the first wonder of your inner-world because, when you think about it, how could any of the other seven wonders ever get built without it?

That’s what I wrote.

Now I have something fantastic to tell you:

Over the years I have been working on a new tool that you can use right from your web-connected computer. It uses a reverse-search method to help you gain authentic self-belief, rock-solid self-confidence, and a mindset that knows your capability to overcome challenges. This is all a result of you isolating the true source of your past history of success.

This work can consist of simple stories where you broke through a barrier of some kind and it benefited you or others.

I call it H.E.R.O. It’s an acronym for Honest Examination of Real Occurrences.

It may not be for everyone but it might be for you.

What it does is form a connection between you and that gut strength that is your persistent nature.

You can learn more about it at here.

I hope that you’ll take a moment look into how this works to help you become more of what you’re meant to be.

When you are able to more fully apprehend the drive that is persistence, and have its strength become more available when you most need it, perhaps then you might find yourself creating unforgettable wonders of your own.

More power to you my friend.

David's signature


David W. Parsons

The Three Letter Question

woman asking the How question

The Mobius Monday Minute – This is the first of a new series of posts that will appear every Monday about motivation, personal development, and mindset immunity.

woman asking the How question

Today I want to talk about one of the biggest mindset stumbling blocks many of us will ever encounter. It’s all embodied in one little three-letter question: HOW?

This question may look tiny on a page but in real life it can pack a wallop of intimidation. Everything from a small crack to a huge canyon.

The difference in dimension is determined by the addition of the kinds of words we use after the word “how …?”.

Example: How can I …? (fill in the problem)  How do I …? (Fill in the area of missing information) How could you …? (Fill in the situation)

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The Physics of Motivation

It’s worth over seven billion dollars a year. Millions of us engage in its use every day.

But, for many of us it’s an unrealized waste of time.

I’m talking about the burgeoning self-help or self-development, or self-improvement industry. Whatever you call it that’s the one that’s got some of the biggest most recognizable names making huge profits from it.

Names like Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Dr. Grey and let’s not forget Tony Robbins.

But there’s a serious flaw here and it boils down to simple physics: heat rises.

What’s that got to do with your practice of self-development techniques?


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Happiness up…Happiness down.

“A merry heart goes all the day. Your sad tires in a mile-a.”

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare made that observation about the connection between the mental state and the rate at which we are able to function some 400 years ago.

I guess things don’t change much do they? Happiness, it seems, gives us more energy, while sadness makes us feel warn out.

Who knew?

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