Building self confidence is easy but making it stick…not so much

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There’s something I know about you that may shock you. 

It’s something that is so crazy and off-the-wall strange that you might refuse to believe it. 

And I wouldn’t blame you at all.

I hope you’re sitting down because here it is:

You have an extra brain. 

Remember, I told you it was crazy? When I first heard of it I thought it was too. Until, that is, I found scientific evidence from a doctor that backed it up

But what on earth has this to do with building my self-confidence?

Good question. Glad you asked.

Let’s start with discussing what exactly we’re talking about when we talk about self-confidence.

According to Wikipedia “Self Confidence” is described as: 

Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere’ which means “to trust”; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one’s self. 

Trust is a huge factor in building self-confidence and I’ll have more to say about it in a minute. But first let’s be clear on what we’re talking about. 

In my view there are two kinds of self confidence:

  1. Work Mastery – This is confidence that comes from having a high degree of proficiency at a task. This could be anything from playing a musical instrument to being an expert at landscaping. Most people who have been at a job, profession, or doing any particular thing for a long time have this type of confidence.
  2. Social Serenity – This is when you feel comfortable when communicating, working, or just being around other people. You have a comfort level that draws people toward you because you seem sure of yourself and what you stand for. This is generally the most sought after type of confidence. 

Obviously the first type of confidence, Work Mastery, is the most common so for our purposes here we’ll be referencing the second type, Social Serenity, whenever the word “confidence” is mentioned.

If you go online you’ll find a number of remedies for low self esteem or lack of confidence. You’ll see free tips to get you started on building your self confidence. Almost all of them will tell you that it will take persistence to get the job done. In other words, their message is: It will be a long long road.

So, you might see results after you’ve completed the course, read the books, attended the seminar, and contemplated your existence while sitting quietly in a lotus position on a mat by yourself for twenty minutes a day over six weeks or so.

But here’s the good news:Confident person with arms up in triumphant gesture with words describing various positive qualities

  • feeling good about yourself
  • having a sustained self esteem
  • finding the strength that you can trust yourself
  • feeling confident in your abilities 

All the above becomes quickly possible, or not, depending if you are

  1. Aware that you have a second brain in your gut that can be optimized to work with the one brain you’re familiar with, AND
  2. That both of these different brains can be optimized to work together to give you more pronounced insights.

Remember you have not just one but two very different brains in your body. 

As a human being you do two things everyday all day: you think things and you feel things.

And now we know you have a separate brain for each of those two tasks. The one in your head is a thinking brain but it can’t feel anything. There are no pain receptors in the cortex at all.

The other one is in your gut. It’s much smaller but it’s not designed for thinking much. It’s a feeling brain. It feels everything from your greatest joys to your deepest sorrows… and everything in between.

It’s extremely sensitive to pressure. Which is how it does it’s job of managing the complicated work of the digestion process so incredibly well. Of course, that’s not all it does.

If you want to speed up the process to building self-trust and be blessed with an immutable confidence on an ongoing basis your second brain (AKA: your gut brain) is the place to go.

Now, in case your wondering, we’re not going to abandon the head brain. Certainly not. We need both brains working in concert to be able to think and feel at the same time. That way we can experience the good vibes of the gut brain and use that to suppress the noise that the head brain is in the habit of creating. That way we can check the decisions we’re thinking about while, at the same time, see how we feel about them before we put them into action. I call this…

Collaborative Intelligence 

But why do we need this? 

One big reason is to distance yourself from all the negative self talk that’s holding you back. Remember, it’s critical that you need to see that you can trust yourself. That you’re worthy of success. To arrive there means that you must first build a rock-solid self belief. If you can do this your self confidence will soar.

The big question, of course, is how?

The key is to know the truth. The truth that you have been successful your entire life. That kind of truth is powerful stuff. But it’s only found by examining the one thing that backed your success in any achievement you’ve ever had. It’s called your GRIT (better known as the gut drive of persistence).

I have two acronyms that I want you to remember from now on. 

  • GRIT — Gut Recall Increases Traction  
  • GRIT — Gut R ecognizes Internal Truth

Why are these important? Because of a critical finding made by researchers over forty years ago and reported in a book which sold over three million copies back in 1978. It was titled “In Search of Excellence”.  It appears that the old adage ‘Nothing succeeds like success’ turns out to have a sound scientific base…

Researchers studying motivation find that the prime factor is simply the self perception among motivated subjects that they are in fact doing well.

…mere association with past personal success apparently leads to more persistence, higher motivation, or something that makes us do better.

Ya, “something that makes us do better”. I love that. They didn’t have a clue as to what that “something” was but today, after all this time, the answer to that question is coming into focus. And you my friend are going to reap the greatest rewards because of it. That is because you now know about that extra brain in your gut. Knowing this can make a big difference in how you can develop a self confidence that never leaves you.

More power to you.


PS: Want to know more about how you can use your dual-brain system to acquire a through-the-roof confidence and a rock solid self-belief that never leaves you? 

Then go here and learn more about the HERO Tour now.


Shooting the Head Negs

Does replacing negative thoughts work? Check out my new web shows and find out.
Does shooting the negative thoughts then replacing them with positive ones work as well as we’re told?

Lot’s of important stuff happens in our brain that screams for attention. But what tops them all is pain and misery. Could another brain help fix negativity?

For years I’ve been watching how those who claim to assist and train others in being better and to become more successful and I’ve noticed something. There’s one main thing that they all love to suggest to everyone: They always advise us to shoot the negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones.

While I can’t disagree with the main core of that approach entirely I do have trouble with the methodology.

It is true that negative thoughts might cause us to under-perform so I’m not against doing something to eradicate them. But the coaches, motivational speakers, and psychologists all sing in the choir of the method known as “thought replacement”.

It works like this: You identify your negative thoughts and then replace those thoughts with positive ones. Now, on the surface that sounds pretty simple. Something anyone can do. But wait, there is a problem and here’s what it is: It’s a ton of impossible work.

Research has shown that the average human processes thousands of thoughts per day. That’s a lot of thoughts. Not only that but the experts estimate that of those thoughts about 70 percent of them, on average, are considered negative.


So let’s see then. Let’s say have about 50,000 thoughts per day and 70 percent of them are negative then that’s a boatload of effort to replace all that. Not to mention the fact that as you are busy replacing those thoughts new thoughts are constantly being formed and 70 percent of those are quite possibly going to be negative as well.

If looking at it this way begins to give you negative thoughts about this article then I can’t blame you one bit. But read on, because I’ve got a workaround for this dilemma.

Seeing as the task of trading in all those negative thoughts for positive ones is virtually a never-ending one, at least the way that the great personal development gurus are teaching it, I think it’s time for something completely different.

To give this a new shocking perspective I’m going to have to introduce something that many of you have not heard of before.

First though I have to make one key observation. All of the advice that pertains to thought replacement is what I call bead-based. What I mean by that is that the focus is on the brain that’s in the head.

Of course, I do understand why they place such a lot of interest there. Thoughts, either positive or negative ones, appear to be made in the head so it makes sense to make this brain the prime site of repair. It’s well understood that the good old head brain is what people are thinking of when they talk about brains in general anyway. But what if it you were shown that your head brain has a partner brain you’ve not been made aware of yet?

Sounds like a weird thing to say, I know, but the fact of the matter is… it’s true, you have a second brain in your body.

In 1996 a cell biologist  Dr Michael Gershon announced to the world through an article in the New York Times that he had found evidence that there is a crude brain in the gut of every human and it can, and does, act on its own.

For you this should be big news. It sure was to me since I had been using a new system of my own design to boost a person’s potential and to buffer the effects of negative thinking automatically since the 1990’s. Until I learned of this breakthrough discovery I didn’t know myself exactly why I was getting the results I was seeing. This system, what I playfully call ‘Brain Balming‘, I now realize depends on the release of the hidden steady energy available in the gut brain that soothes the upper-brain creating an elegant dual relationship between the two.  (In fact, I’m working on a new book about this right now so stay tuned.)

There’s just one more thing you need to know. This strange gut energy that’s sending it’s steadying power northward to the head brain is not a physical thing it’s ethereal. But even so it’s powerful enough to render results that last and it’s all natural.

So why waste time trying to do the impossible (and the un-natural)? Just learn to use your gut brain as a buffer to your head brain’s suffering.

More power to you

David's signature in look-like handwriting

Quotius #5

Each week I intend to dispatch my pent-up creativity by creating a new version of something I call a “quotius”. (Learn about the genesis of it here.)

This is not your normal run-of-mill Quotius posting like I usually do.

Okay, it is a quote, well, sort of in a way at least it is. I mean, I’m quoting a collective group of people here but no one person in particular so there will be no attribution attached.
This is not only ground-breakingly different for me but I saved printer ink too because I just did it by hand with a marker.

The group I’m referring to, if you can believe it, is the population of biology researchers laboring away at labs all over the country.

I’m using a short list. I’ve stripped out everything extraneous so that all I’m left on it is six basic items. The professionals I’m quoting probably wouldn’t have done that themselves. They like long reports and white papers. They need those to justify their research funding.

The list includes the six main elements that make up the bulk of all living matter on planet earth: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur and Phosphorus.

In the video I’m keeping with my usual theme of showing my inherent lack of respect for a circular-shaped thinking pattern. As usual I make sure it meets with a quick if not painless end.

In the circular thinking model I show what the problem is. You can only read half of the items on the list. The other three appear upside down on the inside of the band. They are separated and alone.

With only three items instead of the required six you can’t end up with a living organism. If you work in a lab and these three are all you have you may have something organic but it’s most likely not living or breathing nor will if fetch a stick.

Nevertheless science has a name for it… It’s known as “dead”.

The same can be said of the pattern of circular thinking itself. All that one can do when you’re caught up within it is stay trapped in an endless spiral going further down the road of frustration and time loss.

So who am I to make such critical observations?

After all the closest I ever got to being a scientist was watching Star Trek on television after school more than forty years ago. But for the last two decades I’ve closely watched the way circular thinking has taken hold in so many people’s lives. Promoted by the rush and demands of life these days it has stolen more of its portion of our joy and happiness. If they would just slow down enough they would appreciate the fact that they can see their own potential and build a deep self-belief on that hard-evidence-based vision. All it takes is a simple little brain tweak and the direction we all desperately need can begin to come into focus.

My point, if I may say so myself, is visually well made. Thinking like this is as dead as the organic waste that only three basic elements can make. It’s thinking that needs to be changed.

In this video I reconstruct this old model by it taking apart and by giving one end a little tweak by twisting one end of it 180 degrees (like the coil in a DNA) before joining it with the other end.

We now see something new.

It’s a model of a mobius strip of course but, at the same time, it’s also a 3D illustration of a reciprocal system of thinking. Now in this form we can easily read all six elements one–by-one because this new strip only has one side and one edge. With this complete list of six items we have just about everything that’s needed to define every living organism in the physical world.

We also have a very elegant metaphor for the shape that this new thinking pattern takes on. I have been helping people for a long time to make this type of change and it doesn’t take long to do. One day at the most. The rewards are a greater self-confidence, less stress, and a much clearer pathway to get out from under the weight of the world.

And it’s all because of a well placed little twist and a little tweak.

More power to you.
David is the developer of the H.E.R.O. eMachine
PS: Have you noticed that a lot of personal development methods no longer pack the punch they once did? Could be the times. I went ahead and invented this simple little brain tweak that makes a huge difference in leveraging your efforts for creating a better version of yourself. Want more? Check out my FREE webinar here.

Gut Energy

Famous Quotivations # 12 – February 4 , 2011


psycho-cybernetics book
Max’s first book was a Best Seller





Today’s quotivation is from Dr. Maxwell Maltz MD, the author of Psycho-cybernetics one of the most popular books in self-improvement ever written.

“When this energy is at an optimum all our organs function better, we ‘feel good’, wounds heal faster, we are more resistant to disease, we recover from any sort of stress faster, we feel and act ‘younger’, and in fact biologically we are younger.”

It is true that energy plays a huge part in the lives of humans. It is also true that the duality principal applies here also.

Dr. Maltz was an astute observer and recognized that there was not one but two types of energies at play within us. He made references to one that he termed “caloric”, that is, it comes from the food we eat.  As a medical doctor he knew that one well since it was a “produced” energy, but the other was a much more an elusive and immeasurable one.

This energy was much more mysterious yet he was a great believer that it alone held the most promise for the overall wellness of us all. You can almost sense his effusiveness about it in this quote.

I don’t know if he knew it or not but this energy, the existence of which he could not actually prove but could only speculate on, was very different.  It’s not a produced energy – it’s a naturally occurring “emitted” energy. Sort of like how an atomic reaction emits energy.

Now, please don’t be weirded out here, but this one unseen energy interacts with us humans every day. Let me explain:

When you look out at that world something happens to what you see, it becomes a memory. To accomplish this the information must go through a type of transformation. The information about that physical experience must be converted to an ethereal state so it can be available as a memory to the mind which is itself in an ethereal energy-based state.

This is what happened to that newspaper article you read this morning, that music you heard on the radio in your car on the way to work, and it’s why you remember where you were when you first heard that Barack Obama had won the election as US president. But here’s where things start to get strange.

Let’s suppose that you had a flat tire when you came out to your car this morning. You realize that you have to now change that tire or you’re not going anywhere. So you haul out the spare and then struggle to jack up the car.

Now, with much huffing and puffing you get the tire on only to find that your headlights were on all that time and now your battery is drained. You go to get the jumper cables that are “supposed” to be hanging up in your garage but are not and … well, you get the picture.

You are just about at your wit’s end about ready to quit right there and give up but, for some reason, you don’t. Instead you decide to power through. You walk over to your neighbor’s house to ask for his assistance and if he would help you with a boost. He agrees and soon, after a quick clean up, you’re again on your way.

A story like this may not be all that unusual but when you recall it, like you would do inside a H.E.R.O. Tour session, you would realize that it was your persistence that kicked in and caused you to get the job done despite all the difficulty. After all you could have chosen to quit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The energy that is persistence is mysterious. It’s sometimes referred to as a “gut drive” that powers accomplishment. But no one has ever detailed how it works.

Not until now that is. Here’s what I think is going on.

That hidden drive that Dr. Maltz was so fascinated with is felt in the gut area of the body but do you know why?

It took a cell biologist studying the digestive system to stumble upon what I believe is the definitive answer. Turns out that now the “good old gut feeling” has a sound scientific base to it.

Fantastic as it sounds woven into the sheaths of tissue that line the digestive track from your throat to your colon is another brain! This brain, called the “enteric nervous system” by Dr. Michael Gershon who announced his  finding to a New York Times reporter in 1996, is rich in natural ‘feel good’ chemicals and is made up of neurons identical to those found in the head brain.

But here’s the connection to that strange invisible energy I talked about in the beginning.

The next time you have a gut feeling about something remember this: You feel it in the area, just below the rib cage, because your gut-brain is incredibly sensitive. (It’s designed to feel but not to think.)  What you are feeling is an energy this actually has enough weight to it that it can brush up against the neurons there and cause that feeling – but, that’s not all. If you’ve had a gut feeling and it’s turned out to be right it’s because this mysterious energy has an intelligence attached to it and, lucky for you, it has your best interests at heart.

So, next time you think it would be a good career move to seek out a mentor and following their advice without question it might be a good idea to do a quick gut check first.

You would make Max proud.

It’s Friday, consider your self “quotivated”.

I’m David Parsons and you’ll find me blogging away at

More power to you.

David's signature in look-like handwriting