2010: The year of the H.E.R.O.

Over the last decade most of my time was spent in the business of putting together the one thing that I have wanted for a long time.  The ability to offer the world the fruit of my life’s work: the H.E.R.O. Personal Success Discover eMachine.

When I started out I was not a writer, a scientist, a doctor, or a personal trainer, or even a marketer.

I wasn’t a lot of things. I’m still not.

The only professional training I got was that which I went to college for – a graphic art’s diploma.

Woopty-do! That was useful (yeah right).

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Motivation In’s & Out’s.

You’re a binary.

A binary usually refers to a system comprised of two parts. Like computer code is comprised of just two numbers 1 and 0. I’m borrowing on this idea a lot lately because, as a metaphor, it helps to illustrate this dynamic of what it is to be human and how success and failure defines us.

This whole duality in motivation thing  is discussed rather succinctly in a wonderful TED talk by author Daniel Pink.


In my work with H.E.R.O. when I say that a human being is a binary I’m referring to the fact that these two parts of you, which reside in one body, are often in conflict. In religion the body is seen a egoistic and the soul as realistic. This idea goes back to the ancient Chinese who referred to this duality in humans as the “Yin” and the “Yang” many centuries ago.

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Knee-jerk thinking

For those of you who have read my posts you probably know that I’m all about expanding the awareness of something I call “mindset immunity”. It may sound like a radical idea. Too strange even. Like the words don’t belong together. For me though, the term describes an essential process that explains a lot of things about what happens when humans create and use thoughts and that’s why I invented it.

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The Physics of Motivation

It’s worth over seven billion dollars a year. Millions of us engage in its use every day.

But, for many of us it’s an unrealized waste of time.

I’m talking about the burgeoning self-help or self-development, or self-improvement industry. Whatever you call it that’s the one that’s got some of the biggest most recognizable names making huge profits from it.

Names like Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Dr. Grey and let’s not forget Tony Robbins.

But there’s a serious flaw here and it boils down to simple physics: heat rises.

What’s that got to do with your practice of self-development techniques?


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Infinity and the new immunity.

Mobius strip

This morning I was reading a post in Seth Godin’s blog. He titled it: “Infinity–they keep making more of it.”

He was writing on the pursuit of the “more” mindset. Instead of getting better, he warns, were all too focused on getting bigger. (I touched on this theme in an earlier post)

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